**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Yes. I get the feeling this is laying the ground work for a sales pitch for continuing or expanding funding for particle physics research. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Still, the standard model has nothing to say about a majority of what exists. Afaik.

It’s working!

Are you still in the grocery game? It’s there like a best day to buy chicken? When do they make cherry pie?

Ok, thanks. I usually don’t care about the one weird trick but sometimes the chicken is half off and sometimes not.

If this discovery is violating the Standard Model, it sounds like a pretty huge deal to me, not sure why this cat head guy is being a wet blanket.


One mantra or meme or what have you that was repeated by my undergraduate physics professors was, in effect, every successful new physics theory swallows the old theory whole, meaning that it should incorporate and reproduce the successes of the old theory while it also explains phenomena outside of the scope of the tests that upheld the old theory. This is perhaps most evident for special relativity, where it’s pretty trivial to show that for speeds much less than c, the predicted behavior is essentially indistinguishable from Newtonian mechanics. Quantum mechanics is much the same way, but the math is harder.

Still, though, I understand where @Devil is coming from. After I moved into the biological sciences, I worked under a guy who, like me, left physics for biology and felt that physics was at least close to being a solved field. He compared particle physics to anatomy: really important and worth knowing if you’re doing things with it, but nobody is really doing human anatomy research anymore. All the parts have been found. That’s why the Higgs boson confirmation was such a let down. It was evidence of particle physics being solved already, not that we found something new to study.

This is at least facially compelling, though. New physics means new opportunities to come up with a new model that builds on the successes of the Standard Model but that may also make new, testable hypotheses. This may be the sort of thing that we’d need to help find or explain the dark matter, or explain how gravity may work in ways outside of our current understanding without requiring the existence dark matter (the latter is what I have guessed for a while would be the case).


huh… I think that analogy works even deeper. While we have a really solid understanding of the structural components of the body, we don’t really understand how it really works at a deeper level.

I was just reading this article this afternoon, explaining why a theory called Supersymmetry failed to explain the remaining holes in the Standard Model.

Let me guess. You were only reading about this because it came up on The Big Bang Theory?


Of course.

I can’t really figure it out either really other than like how republicans project their true thoughts and they think everyone else hates America but them and democrats are full of hate and their enemies are full of hate so of course their enemies would rename the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of Hate. Because of course they would.

At first glance, that sounds to me like the analogy breaking down when being taken a bit too far. The Standard Model and Quantum Electrodynamics make a lot of detailed predictions about how the “parts” interact at a pretty deep level that have held up very well to scrutiny. There’s maybe some room for it to hold up when one thinks about getting down into the nitty gritty details of the physics of multiple interacting bodies instead of just 2, which isn’t exactly unknown but just intractable to know precisely over long time frames, but I’d have to think about it.

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Yes. I worked briefly with a guy who bought into this. These particles were supposed to be the dark matter. The failure to find anything is the biggest reason why I think there is likely no dark matter at all but instead our understanding either of gravity itself or perhaps our understanding of the observations of the motions of stars that motivated the hypothesis of the dark matter are flawed in some way.

goes to show that I never went beyond small part physics (unless you count fluid dynamic stuff which I fucking hated)

Aw, fluid mechanics and tensor physics was one of my favorite classes!

The class design was the problem. We’d get a take home exam that we had a week to do. Every single problem revolved around being able to identify some obscure trig identity to solve an integral. Was almost always able to describe the problem in an integral, but took days to figure out how to solve it (no computers allowed).


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Anthem is basically The Villages of Arizona, right?

Must be. I didn’t see anything about 55+ though.

Anthem has the hollow, empty name of a place that supposed to virtue signal towards rich, old conservatives.