**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Eating clubs were some of the biggest collections of garbage human beings I’ve ever been exposed to.

I remember there being a country club of sorts in the area I lived in. Most of the people that I knew who were in it were old, entitled, ungrateful douchebags who did nothing but complain about people who served them.

So, uh, Mar A Lago?

That woman in the video sounds just like Keitha.

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It’s even worse when you have to take them home full of shite wine & spirits while they spew shit about the waiting staff etc, absolutely horrible people.

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Every old person nowadays is a Boomer?

Just a guess :rofl:


The days of respecting people solely because of how long they’ve been avoiding death ended ages ago.


It used to be way harder to live that long, the world didn’t change as much, and the literacy rate was <10%. Those were pretty good reasons to care about the opinions of the elderly. Today it just means you were born in a specific year and probably had specific generational experiences as a result. There is absolutely no correlation between wisdom and age any more.


I suppose it’s unfair to refer to that as Mount Dumb.

I would agree for the most part if we are talking about people inculcated in USAian culture and society.

I attended a virtual conference to do with a broad spectrum of ecological and humanitarian issues. The speakers and contributors who brought the most wisdom were indigenous peoples and activists who had consciously deprogrammed from the dominant false narratives and myths that permeate our society.

In the USA, being older just means that you’ve been propagandized for longer. Boomers have basically been subject to a corporate consumer propaganda, false and distorted narratives in TV/movies/entertainment, red scare/red baiting, and CIA psy-op since birth. That shit is devastating. The goal of all of that is to produce people who staunchly believe mythologies that run contrary to human flourishing in symbiosis with our Mother Earth.

I’ve shared this quote before, it’s on point, imo.


Yeah it doesn’t stand up in societies with actual systems of village elders that evolved and survived that way with good reason.


Aren’t you around 40?

That’s old during the 15th century, not today.

The boomer generation has completely fucked up America’s future generations by taking everything for themselves and leaving nothing for their descendents. Despite having everything handed to them from birth, they still bitch about things like it’s their job. Old, entitled and ungrateful are accurate terms for that.

Historic life expectancy is greatly skewed by high infant mortality rates. It would be interesting to know what the average person’s expectation of seeing 70 was once they reached 40 (assuming they weren’t around during the Black Death or the Plague).

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That’s my understanding as well, and I think once you faded childhood your expectation wasn’t much different from what it is today.

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Looks like Dark Helmet to me

I’d laugh it off as a coincidence but after Jay Johnston I’m not so quick to do so anymore.


Wise people are wise. Some of them happen to be old. Basically for old = wise to work you need the survivorship bias to be pretty real. Any place on earth where the life expectancy is >60 the correlation between age and wisdom will have broken down to the point of going negative.

Every single place on earth has its own crappy system with significant issues like ours. Humans hadn’t fully integrated the possibilities for telegraph technology when the internet came along.

Also some day you’re going to realize that labeling everything bad about humans and the societies they built ‘capitalism’ doesn’t make fixing it simpler. It’s really complicated, a huge mess, and the right answer is to trend in a more communitarian direction. You’re directionally correct, but it’s not going to be as smooth of a road as you think.

@microbet From a response to Sean Carroll, who posts a lot of cat pics.


Does Rick Moranis own a time machine?

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Wouldn’t rule it out, he can shrink kids.