**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Picking strawberries a few times as a kid put me off strawberries for years. Bad memories.

Looking back I was just a soft suburban kid though. I’m a bit hardened now and I think I could handle it ok. The pay is better planting solar panels.

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This is a good post if it’s not really playing now.


Well, I guess he’s getting the acting part of his CV up to par for a run… Recently I recognized him in an otherwise-forgettable movie called Extraction on Netflix.

Bilzerian actually has some lines in this one, which I think was a change from some of the other stuff he’s been in, where he plays like “Henchman One” and lurks in the background of some shots.

P.S. This Extraction is not to be confused with a different Extraction, which starred Chris Hemsworth and had some good action sequences, imo.


I’m probably not up to date but some produce is too easily damaged to be harvested mechanically. Or the devices aren’t 100% efficient, so you have to send people out for the remainder. And labor is cheap if you’re sufficiently ruthless.


Only men can really know how much all men suck - women can suspect it though.

Women suck too, though not as badly as men on the whole.

Around here there are some tobacco fields still. For a certain type of tobacco each leaf is plucked individually. They then string them upsides down on these long wooden beams that are then transported to the barns to hang and dry out.

They’ve been doing it like this for like 300 years. If there was a machine that could be delicate enough with the plants I’m sure it was have been invented by now. It looks like it’s back breaking work in the dog days of summer where it can get especially humid.

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This letter is wild, also he thinks the atom bomb is fake lol



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Put on administrative leave and not instantly fired? Ok then

The writers are out of control.

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Too bad the state employee wasn’t counting ponies.


Tenure is like diplomatic immunity (or at least like diplomatic immunity is portrayed in movies).

If there was a reasonable minimum wage/required benefits/no piecemeal pay, then maybe. But as it is, they get labor for super cheap while capitalists spend time ensuring us that this is the natural way of things.

Woke up today more depressed than I’ve ever been in my life. Really deeply feeling the waaf today. Keep going back to Cassandra, seeing the apocalyptic future but being unable to do anything.


It comes in waves. It’ll pass.

Do you have a therapist?