**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

You just jump off.

No tears @anon46587892 @goofyballer


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It’s just one of several disgraceful rulings here recently1, but at least they’ve finally effectively voted a statutory rape offence (age of consent of 15).

1 - I was reading yesterday that a divorce case brought by a woman who cited physical and mental abuse ended with her being found the person at fault because she refused to sleep with her husband.

There is no dark side of the banana, really. Matter of fact, it’s all dark.

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Irresponsible simulation imo. You are just daring Elon Musk or one of those other billionaire assholes to try this.


I think what’s counterintuitive is how the orientation of the banana changes relative to the observer on earth despite having a really stable orientation relative to the earth in the opening of the simulation.


Not sure where to put this, but two people have been arrested in connection to running a sham candidate in Florida to confuse voters. Ex-Florida Sen. Frank Artiles walks out of jail facing felony campaign finance charges

Republican challenger Ileana Garcia ultimately defeated Jose Javier Rodriguez by just 32 votes for that seat. The plant candidate Alex Rodriguez got over 6,000 votes despite not actually campaigning, nor having actual political aspirations.

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Maybe the war on voting thread? I remember the original story (apparently posted by this same outlet) a few days after the election that pointed out several suspicious candidates.

This guy sure seems like a gem, right up the GOP’s alley:

Artiles, now a lobbyist, resigned his state senate seat in 2017 after using a racial slur among colleagues and amid reports that a former Hooters calendar girl and a Playboy model with no political experience were hired as “consultants.”

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Spicy take of the day: NCAA is more evil than facebook, or at the very least on a similar level.

Ugh the comments on that twitter post have me in a rage and i had to stop.

NCAA is up there in the pound-for-pound rankings.

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I have always enjoyed telling people how my childhood library was in an enormous Victorian mansion that improbably did double duty as the county clink. Thus, sometimes during the Picture Pages class you would see some dude in handcuffs get shuffled past (although on reflection maybe this wasn’t as ironic as I supposed). Anyway, I just got notice that it is for sale. And it’s cheap too!:


If I had more clarity on long term wfh policies at my office I might actually look into this. I know there are some Ohio guys on here, one of you should buy this and open a macabre AirBnB imo.

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That is absolutely the perfect way to put that and I’ll be stealing it going forward.

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Huh that’s about an hour drive from me. Could be a fun day trip to go visit.

Was that her?


Smoke 'em if you got 'em.


