**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I’m never going anywhere Elon Musk is going to sue the people trying to get me out of.

My wife and I signed the lease on our first apartment without roommates yesterday and even though we can definitely afford the rent I’ve been worrying about it, then out of nowhere today I got a check for $5,000 for recalculated past overtime. Exciting times.


So is your next stop the stonks thread or the NFT thread?


I’m still HODLing my GME that I bought near the peak and stopped even trying to pay attention to the NFT threads once they started getting hundreds of posts per day so I’ll probably try to avoid setting more money on fire right now.


C’mon Biden Bucks. Daddy needs a new pair of glasses.



Conference calls were fine, honestly.


Where is the erotic fiction section so I can look at half naked ladies on the back covers?


The late fees on that are going to be more than you’re kids collage fees :grin:

It reminded me of this story, which me and the friends may also have done… Except it wasn’t Hugh Grant.


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Who was it?

We took quite a few faces, arnie was 1 that we put on a cardboard box and sat it in the middle of the road at night in a local area that was lit up somewhat… Got a few laughs. :sweat_smile:

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filed paperwork at the office under FMLA. thanks Ivanka!

Heartbreaking read. Guillotines. Now.


Hey if you (or anyone) has a New Yorker subscription, can you see this archive, and if so does it have pictures? There are some in Mark Danner’s book, which is a longer version of this article, that I’d like to use in my book.

Sending you direct message.

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Either my students don’t use how online quizzes work or vocabulary.com doesn’t know how to creat one.

Either way it looks like I’m gonna have to grind it out the old-fashioned way. Ugh.

I remember when Nazare was first “discovered” there were debates about how big the waves actually were because of their shape, but that all went away after more and more people actually got out there and rode them. Seems ridiculous in retrospect. It also seems crazy that such a prominent location wasn’t ridden sooner. You would expect the place with the largest waves in the world to be some outer shelf way away from civilization, not fucking Portugal, lol.

A huge part of people’s childhoods and teenage years in the 70s were spent taping records and swapping tapes with friends because records were way too expensive to buy many of.