**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Yes, on the wiki page it shows 25000 Twh for electricity production. It was probably a typo but you said 500 Trillion Twh.

Yes 2% of 25k would be 500.

500 Trillion Twh is 20 million times as much as 25000 Twh. But, maybe your “Yes” meant “yes, it was a typo”.

Bitcoin is fiat on steroids, but I agree and think it’s at least possibly good that there’s a currency that is not controlled by the state.

It’s 25,000 Trillion Twh globally I’m pretty sure. It’s a lot of juice lol.

These are incomprehensible numbers, so it doesn’t much matter, but I’m pretty sure I’m reading this correctly.

We a living so unsustainably. Whatever is left of civilization in 100 years is going to look back on us as the age of the piggy pigs.


The trillion you keep adding in there doesn’t make sense, your conversion is wrong. 1 Twh = 1 trillion Wh

The site you linked shows total world electricity consumption at around 25,000 Twh

For total energy consumption of all types it shows the units in MToe (wiki chart says 1 MToe = 11.63 Twh) and they are similar to the data from the wiki but slight differences because the wiki data comes from Global direct primary energy consumption - Our World in Data

Data Centers take up 2% of the US Electric Consumption (from quote posted earlier), if we assume it’s 2% of world electric consumption then 2% of the 25,000 is 500 Twh and bitcoin mining consumes about 121 Twh per year which is 1/4 of all data center electric consumption if we assume the 2% in the US is roughly the same as the world percentage

Lol Bari Weiss


So, like, don’t send your kid to a $50k a year school if you don’t like it?

But physics looks different these days. “We don’t call them Newton’s laws anymore,” an upperclassman at the school informs me. “We call them the three fundamental laws of physics.

The horror.


I loved The Phantom Tollbooth as a kid, that’s in the top tier of children’s novels along with stuff like Charlotte’s Web. I would have assumed that guy had been dead for like 30 years.


It seems to be working. One Los Angeles mother tells me that her son was recently told by his friend, who is black, that he is “inherently oppressed.” She was incredulous. “This kid is a multimillionaire,” she said. “My son said to his friend: ‘Explain it to me. Why do you feel oppressed? What has anyone done to make you feel less?’ And the friend said: ‘The color of my skin.’ This blew my mind.”

Pretty telling that this is offered as a “mind-blowing” anecdote. That kid is just as in danger of getting pulled over and shot as any black person. His wealth doesn’t matter, and might even make him more of a target if the cops don’t recognize him in his own neighborhood, or see him in a nice car somewhere else.

Whether you want to call that oppression or not, it’s something - which I don’t have to worry about as a white guy.

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Again, apparently this is horrific or something.

I have no doubt these schools are going overboard and turning what should be a nuanced message into sometimes eye-rollingly overboard codified verbiage signaling - like the universities they’re parroting.

But the underlying message is spot on. White people do need to be aware of the ridiculous privilege we have compared to minorities in this country. We do need to acknowledge the horrors of colonialism and slavery and work to right whatever small amount of the wrongs we can.

It’s not a terrible lesson for a white kid to be told they’re always going to be called on after a minority. How did that make you feel? Ok - now let’s learn about colored drinking fountains and redlining.


How many bitcoins is the energy required here worth?

No preview I guess, but it’s warp bubble and interstellar travel

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Welp. Those UFO’s just got a lot more likely to be actual aliens boys.

God this timeline is fucking ridiculous. It’s been nonstop madness since Donald came down those stairs. If the next chapter of this insanity is fucking ET I’m officially going to start assuming that I’m actually a crazy person in an asylum. This is not fucking real.

I feel like this would be in a higher-impact journal if it were legit.

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Well, I don’t think anyone would even take bets on it being widely accepted as theoretically possible. And even if so, did you see the energy required to send a ship? The equivalent of the mass of Jupiter. So that’s a stupendous amount of mass multiplied by the speed of light squared of energy.

eta: Wait, it is hundreds of times that much.

just wait until we get the Dyson sphere


Lentz derived the Einstein equations for unexplored soliton configurations (where the space-time metric’s shift vector components obey a hyperbolic relation),

Yes, yes of course!


wait how did you get from his article to aliens being more likely?