March 7, 2021, 7:00pm
I don’t remember the details but I don’t think so.
Magnets do feature in many perpetual motion and free energy schemes. A mechanical engineering student I tutored was disappointed I didn’t share his enthusiasm for a magnet motor that was then popular.
My point is that this bill is trying to address a basically non-existing problem.
Ah, so you were saying there’s no need for the bill, not that it’s harmless - iow a gratuitous act of implicit racism?
I think there’s no need for the bill. I think that the burka or niqab can be oppressive but this is obviously an attempt by the Swiss right to stir up anti-Muslim sentiments.
Here is what Bogleheads, a nominally non-political website, thinks about homelessness.
Good lord.
Link dead for me. Maybe they nuked it? Cliffs?
Just tons of people complaining about how homeless people are ruining the “nice” places in California. Zero compassion of any kind from anyone.
March 7, 2021, 10:25pm
Compassion costs 3 basis points of annual returns, fuck that!
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Isn’t that what you’d expect from a financial advice forum?
Why? Switzerland sucks.
I’d take Glasgow over anywhere in Switzerland in a heartbeat.
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It’s a beautiful country populated by terrible people. If you can switch the latter off it could make a good holiday.
If and buts, candy and nuts and all that…
I’ve seen more beautiful places with better people for less than half the price.
Switzerland is the least friendly country I’ve ever been to.
Yeah, but if the Muslim family is from Scotland…
March 7, 2021, 11:36pm
What do you even talk about on a Boglehead forum? Isn’t their whole thing just buy and hold index funds?
There’s also the subtle racism and discussion of cruises.
The accumulation of money, racism and cruises are three sides of the bigot’s triangle.
Maybe it’s because I’m still young(ish) but I will never understand the appeal of cruises.