People gotta stop being ashamed of their accent.
I had students in China who wanted me to teach them an American accent. I mean, I did it but it’s probably the least necessary part of speaking a language.
People gotta stop being ashamed of their accent.
I had students in China who wanted me to teach them an American accent. I mean, I did it but it’s probably the least necessary part of speaking a language.
Most of us olds remember growing up in houses well under 2,000 sf, usually with larger families than what’s typical today. The average floor area per person has more than doubled in the past 50 years. That’s an absolutely massive increase, and if we want to have a throw back to yesterday’s discussion that’s a pretty significant factor in housing affordability.
Yeah, this.
Kids require a fuckton of space both for them and their stuff. I get that in much of the rest of the world today, having a family of 4 in 1200 sq ft, is something people do. So, it’s not it’s that it can’t be done. It’s just less desirable. Much less.
I’m gonna assume with those living situations and the means to easily have more space, neither mosdef or clovis has kids.
Maybe if people would stop buying so much stupid shit for their kids they wouldn’t need the extra space to store it all.
Maybe if people would stop buying so much stupid shit for their kids they wouldn’t need the extra space to store it all.
I would like to sign Mrs. Melkerson up for some Zikzak therapy sessions. I’ve been fighting the good fight on this issue for years, and I’m losing bigly. Gotta pick my battles, and I let this one go.
1100sf with 2 kids and a dog here.
1100sf with 2 kids and a dog here.
If you could easily afford 2x the space in the same neighborhood, wouldn’t you have found that more desirable? I suppose I can see you as being a rare unicorn that would answer no to that question. But I think most would definitely say yes.
Rare unicorn. I wouldn’t turn down a second bathroom though, but with one kid out of the house most of the time, that’s not really a problem. If we could manage to get rid of half the stuff in our house it would really be plenty of space.
I grew up in houses mostly over 2000sf and live smaller now.
Here we go again.
1200 sq foot 3 bedroom house here, 2 adults and 1 dog but we have had an extra person living with us. The 3rd bedroom is more really a study tbh but can hold up as a very small bedroom if needed. I put a bunk bed in there to optimise space. Every part of the house gets used, which makes me happy.
I do feel like I have too much stuff and have been making a concerted effort to donate stuff. I still have too many things of my mums which are hard to part with but I just don’t have the room or energy for so many ornaments/stuff. I’m trying to do the Swedish death cleaning thing where you don’t want to leave a heap of stuff for people to have to go through when you die.
Shooted my shot on a 10/10 amazing lady on being my quarantine valentine. Will update on how it goes.
I heard a commercial on Pandora for American Idol, I think, that announced Claudia Conway would be involved somehow. Such a terrible country and culture we have.
I heard a commercial on Pandora for American Idol, I think, that announced Claudia Conway would be involved somehow. Such a terrible country and culture we have.
I saw an actual TV commercial for this. She is auditioning, I think. From the looks of the clip she isn’t going to get far. If that’s all it is, I don’t think it’s that bad:
Kid goes on for an audition and doesn’t advance. The end. They do play up that she is Kellyanne’s kid, though.
Now it could be something different from that, in which case it could be worse. I wasn’t paying that much attention.
Damn it she hasn’t been online since I sent the message lol. I asked her to go hiking with me when the pandemic is over and she said it’s a date. That’s a signal right?
I’m second guessing my message now lol. She might be out of my league.
The idea of “out of someone league” is the dumbest idea in dating. It literally doesn’t exist. Don’t psych yourself out.
Well where is she at lol. Also do you think the " it’s a date " is a signal?
The idea of “out of someone league” is the dumbest idea in dating. It literally doesn’t exist. Don’t psych yourself out.
This might not be a piping hot take, but it’s more than lukewarm.
I mean I get what he’s saying. I regularly date women way out of my league. So it doesn’t really exist.
Been single like a year though and my last ex kinda fucked me up so I’m second guessing myself.