**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Little of both.


Budd: Bullshit. Iā€™m sure you do feel a little bit of both. But I know damn well you feel one more than you feel the other. The question was, which one?

Couldnā€™t find a clip I could embed.

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Iā€™d have lost a lot of money on that bet.

5,800 workers at an Amazon warehouse in AL are voting on whether to form a unionā€¦


Lots of people have bad housing politics.

But this particular statement from this particular person is especially striking to me because I think it really exemplifies the torpor that progressive politics has fallen into over the past couple of years ā€” an incredible elevation of jargon and process over substance and the delivery of actual change. Much of this statement would be borderline incomprehensible to a typical person, much less a New Yorker struggling with housing affordability. And on the merits, it actually has nothing to offer the legions of neither-poor-nor-rich New Yorkers poised to leave the city when they have kids because they want more space.

Supportive housing for the homeless and ā€œdeep affordabilityā€ for the very poor is nice. But when a normal person says ā€œhousing in New York is unaffordableā€ they are making a (correct!) observation that is much broader than that ā€” housing is really expensive .

But it doesnā€™t genuinely ignore normal peopleā€™s housing policy concerns in favor of strict priority for the poor, because the actual thing that gets strict priority is absolute community veto power over anything with an avowed aim of making sure that nothing changes. And itā€™s reinforced by the fact that within the progressive nonprofit sphere, thereā€™s no real accountability for anything or to anyone. The way to get ahead is to say the right things, hop on the right fads, and perform good allyship by not getting into fights with anyone else in the same nonprofit complex. Whether your ideas actually represent the thinking of the people you claim to represent ā€” much less whether your ideas actually work ā€” doesnā€™t count for anything at all.

And yet this brand of do-nothing, change-nothing politics insists on casting itself not just as a brand of progressive politics, but as actually the most elevated and forward-thinking brand imaginable. But imagine believing that the United States can ditch over a century of dependence on fossil fuels without the character of any neighborhoods changing. How is that going to work? Here in D.C., the historic preservation board wouldnā€™t let me install more modern windowsills because itā€™s not historic. But thatā€™s the point ā€” historically, houses have not been very energy-efficient, and in the future instead of old bad buildings we should have newer and better ones. Authentic historic buildings are also incredibly inaccessible to wheelchair users and parents pushing strollers. To me, thatā€™s bad and change is good! But your mileage may differ.

Yglesias on progressives who kotow to homeowners interests, promising to ā€œunderstand homelessnessā€ and say lots of progressive things while also saying theyā€™re not going to change a neighborhoodā€™s character

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Anyone here they have a side project they work on for extra funds or entertainment? Iā€™ve got a pretty big desire to build something but canā€™t seem to get an idea to fruition.

I do recruiter work as my main, and I have my real estate license so I can side hustle that, but those mostly just pay the bills, I donā€™t get certain kinds of fulfillment from them. Like they arenā€™t an outlet for creativity or a source of ā€œIā€™m making the world a better placeā€ satisfaction.

What are you thinking of?

I loosely thought about a centralized beer swap platform instead of the numerous Facebook groups just waiting to get shut down. I donā€™t have anything concrete though. Honestly Iā€™m just super bored at my job, but itā€™s too easy and pays too well to leave. Iā€™ve got a ton of free time so Iā€™m trying to make a more conscious effort of building something instead of refreshing this website 114 times per day.

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Very similar feelings here. My job is boring as hell but Iā€™d be an idiot to leave. I love you all but frothing myself into a rage over politics daily canā€™t be healthy. I already exercise and eat well but thereā€™s a lot of empty time and restlessness.


Restlessness is the perfect word for what Iā€™m feeling. My wife really wants to open a boutique clothing store, but Iā€™m not really super thrilled about potentially lighting money on fire. I donā€™t want to look back in a few years and be angry at myself for not doing anything productive with this extra 30+ hours a week. Iā€™m not really good at being ā€œcontentā€.

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I have lots of side projects that have only made tiny bits of money. Iā€™d be interested in helping with centralized beer swap if thereā€™s anything I could do. Server space/hosting?


Yā€™all should start a podcast.

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My wife has a cousin whose wife started a consignment clothing store and has done really well (before covid anyway). Itā€™s not easy though.

Donā€™t want to discourage you from rolling your own and not sure if this is what you are thinking about, but just starting off some research.

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Itā€™s possible to build a clientele in clothing by using the online boutique apps for selling online & wouldnā€™t take that much expense as long as your wife has purchase controlā€¦ Can even make add-on etc to the clothes thatā€™s fun to do and use you as a model.


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i was bored a couple of years ago. then we revamped our backyard garden, bought some honey bees, and i put together a simple aquaponics setup. now iā€™m dreaming of scaling the fish operation up.







Well this was a cool rabbit holeā€“Iā€™d never heard this term. Got any pics?