**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Because no one pays for content anymore.

What did you do for the Darien Gap? Ship your car around it?

I didn’t go to South America. I had to go through basically the same procedures to ship my car back to the US from Panama.

We did drive to Yaviza which is the end of the Pan-Am Highway in Central America, and probably where these people wind up, or at least wind up being ferried around by boats run out of Yaviza. Guessing it might be a little too high profile to bring them right into town. The town had a very smuggler vibe to it.


covid talk starts right in the beginning. if CC isn’t enough, you can download the transcript and put it through google translate. he also unfortunately cites a known putin plant from the cato institute, who has since been fired.


I looked this place up on Google Maps and it includes a market for “The End of Safety”.

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this is a pretty good guide as well. has english subtitles.

Pussy Riot rules.




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Some friends and I used to do this. We were probably in 7th or 8th grade. So stupid. I feel for the girl and her family. Kids are dumb.

Yea this game has been around a long time. Social media likely making it worse.

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So I spent some time checking out a website where the Q people congregate. Unfortunately, there weren’t as many tears as I had expected. Lots of “trusting the plan” and Biden being either fake or real president (no clear consensus on this) is part of the plan.

Also interesting is that plenty seem to think that based on the last 5 days, Biden is very clearly the leopard eating our faces. Many are quite certain that is the general reaction to Biden from the left so far.

I don’t hang out in those places. I like community pages where people try to bring their batshit ideas out in the light of day and I see my job as kicking them back into the hole they crawled out of.

As long as they’re mostly deplatformed (fb twitter etc) and hiding in a dumb little corner of the web with their dumb conspiracies and their dumb predictions and not like, planning to blow up a federal building, I’m fine with them existing.

Oh yeah, I don’t even check them out really. This was a first.

A couple of days ago I asked where I might find some Qanons lamenting their fates, and I was directed this site. There wasn’t as much sadness as I was hoping for. Maybe all of the saner ones left leaving only the most deluded ones there.

Still something for old Blighty to be proud of…


It’s cold up here, what’s your excuse?

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We’ve got rowdy neighours. :laughing:

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Provincial news that seems to have been overshadowed:

Should be noted that folks in SE Oklahoma grow a buttload of marijuana.