**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

This is correct

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Northwest quarter of the southwest quarter is 40 acres. A 1/16th section.

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The collective intelligence of UP is unmatched again. That gives me enough to get a rough estimate. Thanks for the help everyone!


In Canada it’s described as NE 2-22-32 W5M

NE quarter of section 2 range 22 township 32 west of the 5th meridian.

NE quarter can be divided into 4 as either legal sub division 9,10,15,16.

I’ve decided to call my 0.2 acre piece of property a section and ain’t nothing you snowflakes can do about it. MAGA.

It’s a 1/3200th section


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Doesn’t surprise me the EU want to keep out jelly. It’s somewhere between a universal symbol of British stupidity and a collective trauma for French people. They find it inherently ridiculous and I’ve heard several tales of being served it on a school exchange and not knowing what the fuck was going on.

Edwin Poots issues jelly and gravy shortage warning

This may be the most English headline ever.

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A couple really weird shortages we have are I can’t find capers or white corn syrup anywhere. So random.

They don’t understand that without jelly and its propensity for euphemistic wobbles, several pivotal film scenes could never have been made.

Let them have their man keeps falling off bike films instead.


My town has run out of green salsa. Its been months.

It’s super easy to make your own if you want to. Check serious eats salsa verde.

No tomatillos either.

No Hot chilli salsa yesterday, went for mild… Sad. :weary:

Coin shortage is one of Trump’s greatest outrages. I can’t do laundry without washing my car to get extra quarters and still feel guilty because the sign says no more than $5 due to shortage.



Holy shit. I read this tweet, laughed and liked the post.

Then I saw that it’s a thread and the thread delivers.

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Today’s pointless factoid brought to you by jmakin: the meaning of “)))”

I have a russian teammate who puts ))) after a lot of his comments. I learned today that that is russian for “lol.” I’m re-reading some of his chat messages in that light, and my god, they read a lot differently. This guy’s actually kind of a prick! Not sure if the language barrier is making some of the stuff he says sound more assholish than it was intended, but man, the extra ))) at the end of some of his messages really changes the tone to something condescending a lot of the time.

I also learned that ) is meant to be friendly, )) is meant to be REALLY funny, and )))))) is like an over the top expression.

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