**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I saw that too. Definitely hippos.

My ex-wife is an academic and would go on these exhausting two day adventures as one of the 3 or 4 finalists for jobs where she would have to give a talk, teach a mock class, meet with deans, faculty, students, etc.

There were occasions where she never heard from anyone afterward. And these are people in her field who she is likely going to see again at conferences and possibly review/submit journal articles for, etc.


academia is just a bunch of dysfunctional people. not that industry/corp is any better.

Grunching, have they tried choking the hippos with giant plastic spheres or do they just pass right through them?

I know this is medicine related but I think a few of you are computer nerds so you might find this interesting:

Cliffs are that infants with fevers are mostly fine, but there’s a few that are deathly ill and it’s really hard to figure out which one is which. Testing is invasive (spinal taps are super common, needles in babies aren’t fun), so we want to avoid that… safely.

A group called PECARN created a set of criteria based on human logic then validated it. The algorithm does a good job of not missing any sick babies (important obviously) but can’t rule out of a lot babies that are fine. Those babies get poked, spinal taps, antibiotics, admissions, etc.

This study used the same data as PECARN then used some fancy machine learnin’ stuff that made an algorithm that rules out more of those babies while only missing one sick baby. Every approach has missed this kid. Makes me think that one was just a weird case.

I’ll still have a job for now. One of the criteria for the machine learning is if I think the kid is sick looking or not. It still needs to be externally validated. My understanding is that machine learning is particularly vulnerable to not being applicable to data outside of what they were derived from.

May be in the weeds a bit too much, but I thought this was pretty cool.


When I was finishing graduate school I applied to 15 faculty positions. I received one rejection letter and no other responses.

Screw 'em. I had a good life in private practice.


TIL not all mantis shrimp club their prey. Some spear it and drag it back to their lair.



searching through my old flickr photos. i don’t remember why i made this but i’m sorry @clovis8 we speak your name


As a guy who spent a bunch of time in the NICU with his baby girl who thankfully just had rhinovirus that amounted to nothing but a whole lot of hospital hassle and bills, you at least have my curiosity.

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Happy holidays!



Works on my wife too.

Ba dum bum.


Watch him say “Democratic president”, then “correct” himself and say “Democrat president”.


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Every week it gets crazier, we are now at the “Steve Doocy is the voice of reason phase” so, um, yeah. I know there is some resistance these days to erecting statues but at this point every American town and city should have a 100 ft statue of Joseph Overton.

Friend sent me this, evidently this is a real book:

Needless to say, but there’s a lot going on here.


Is this that weird thing of calling them “the Democrat Party” as some kind of own?

I think they’re bending over backward to avoid acknowledging that the Dems are actually the party of the majority. Their audience demands that Dem politicians are treated as illegitimate, any nodding to the fact that they are supported by the majority of voters in a democratic system is considered blasphemy on Fox.