Jackson’s father volunteered his teenage daughter to stop by Bolin’s home each day to provide care and help with chores. To pay back her kindness, Bolin offered to marry Jackson, which would allow her to receive his soldier’s pension after his death, a compelling offer in the context of the Great Depression.
Jackson agreed in large part because “she felt her daily care was prolonging his life,” Inman said.
They wed on Sept. 4, 1936, at his home. Throughout their three years of marriage there was no intimacy and she never lived with him. She never told her parents, her siblings or anyone else about the wedding. She never remarried, spending decades “harboring this secret that had to be eating her alive,” Inman said.
After Bolin’s death in 1939, she did not seek his pension.
She also realized the stigma and potential scandal of a teenager wedding a man in his 90s, regardless of her reason. In an oral history recording in 2018, Jackson said she never spoke of the wedding to protect Bolin’s reputation as well as her own.
“I had great respect for Mr. Bolin, and I did not want him to be hurt by the scorn of wagging tongues,” she said.
After Bolin’s relatives found out about Jackson’s role in his life, they went to the nursing home and presented her with a framed photo of him.
“She broke down and cried,” Inman recalled. “She kept touching the frame and said, ‘This is the only man who ever loved me.’”
Raspberry crisp made with fresh picked berries and served warm is one of the best things I make (vanilla ice cream is the perfect match for it). This fruit in desserts is awful take must not stand. I demand a retraction.
Anyway, getyarn.io is a very neat site with a massive searchable database of extremely short clips from movies and TV shows and is pretty good for a snappy one-liner response or two now and then. It would be great if we could embed clips from it instead of just linking. Do any of the people who listened to our neoliberal overlords and learned to code know what spells would need to be cast to allow that?
But that doesn’t size properly, so replace style="width: 100%; border: none; display: block; max-width: 595px; height: 460px;"
with width="560" height="315"
so you end up with <iframe seamless="seamless" width="560" height="315" src="https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/embed/f042eeb5-5126-4031-91a2-11f6884345ef?autoplay=false"> </iframe>
But it’s not responsive so if you just use their first embed code it will fit on mobile but look tiny on desktop.
But at least you can just copy and paste their code without changing anything
Clovis is gone/on break. He PM’d me, a very nice PM, so someone would know in case people asked after him. I wished him well, hoped he’d return, and look me up in person if he were in my area, but I don’t know if he even stuck around to read my reply.
They triple-play on the first load, which is annoying and I don’t know why they do it. At least there’s a reason now, and if I don’t fuck up the incantation I should be able to use it properly now.