**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Where is your stuff though? Do you have extra floorspace to the side? Another room? Closet?

We might have to employ some campervan plans in your room.

Stuff is in other room. The front room is bigger and warmer too so sometimes I sleep on a small couch out there. This is an old place. Been ā€œremodeledā€ a few times. Thereā€™s a space beneath the kitchen/hall cabinets they used to keep a bed in that they could roll out. Thatā€™s storage now.

Campervan plans sound like a lot of work but thanks. There was a guy parking his camper-car on a street I walk down. He was there a few months. Looked like a rough way to live especially when it gets cold like now.

Iā€™m on team zikzak here in spirit, but I think I can meet the challenge.

Pre-pandemic we had hired some people for housecleaning and they came every two weeks. Bed making is part of what they do. We never really requested it, they just did it. And I guess we liked it as we did not go out of our way to tell them not to do it. So it happened every two weeks, which I think meets the requirement of regular.

Sheets got changed once a week, but on the weeks they didnā€™t come we just changed sheets without making the bed.

I was just thinking if your space was that small you might need some of the design ideas (like youā€™re using already).

Camper-car is rougher and harder to heat safely. Itā€™s not that hard to heat a van - easier than a house. Anyone living in a car should at least get a minivan if they can. If you come across a car-dweller together enough to get on the internet you should point them to:

I know they have more people in need than they can help, but they give assistance, even minivans to nomads in need.

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Iā€™ll keep it in mind. In the case of this guy, Iā€™d probably have had to leave a note. He was rarely ā€œhomeā€ when I went by. I doubt he had any source of heat. I see a lot of spots where people have spent the night, left clothes and stuff behind in that area. Itā€™s a park/edge of wilderness in a canyon with a creek that runs through it. The creek is the source of a lot of the cityā€™s water.

Once I was walking down the stairs at the end of the canyon and rounded a corner to find a couple having sex on a landing. It was a little awkward. Girl said hi, dude zipped his pants. I said hi back and turned back up the stairs and took the long way around. Havenā€™t run into the stair fuckers since. I expect to be mugged in that spot eventually.

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Iā€™m rooting for you to be a consensual stair fucker in that location instead.


Guessing game:

Which country is the second largest exporter of TV series?

South Korea

I donā€™t watch series but was into Korean movies for a while.

I define ā€˜make my bedā€™ as arrange the top sheet and comforter.
So the dog will lay on the bedspread, not in the bed.
Itā€™s easier to climb to go to sleep

grunched by my slow pony

Creator? Sure. Iā€™d be surprised if Korea was a big exporter.

Just a guess and partly because it must be a place you wouldnā€™t expect. No real idea.

Iā€™m gonna go with Mexico.

How exactly are we defining exporter of a TV series? Is it just ā€œviewed outside of country in which it was producedā€?

Also how do we define large? Number of series, number of downloads, number of what?

Because itā€™s a shock answer Iā€™ll go for one of the Scandis.

UK? Probably not since asking the question implies itā€™s weird. Other option is Japan just because of all the anime weebs.

I donā€™t know what metric weā€™re going with here, but how can this not be the UK?

Also what was the answer to the Jason Alexander question?

The boy done good.

I like to lay in it during the day. Also it looks a lot better than a big mess and makes me feel better. And an unmade bed looks bad in a zoom meetings and my only fans.

Thereā€™s 3.

Any time in my life I was single for a longish time Iā€™d find myself eschewing the bed in favour of the sofa. It was so convenient to fall asleep in front of the TV with empties (and an ash tray back then) on the coffee table.

I said longish time but it really only took a matter of weeks until I migrated back to the natural habitat of the sofa.

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I dunno whatā€™s up here, I get out my bed, go to the toilet then work & by magic the beds made when I come backā€¦


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