**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

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And everyone gets a participation trophy and there are no winners or losers!

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This might be my favorite one yet.

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Oh, this didnā€™t age well:

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I got maybe half of these, with the help of the initial letter and other clues given by the author of the article. Many of the rest I donā€™t understand, even after seeing the answer. I need much more practice.

I know I am a little late to the party, but the whole Gaelic names thing is missing this video:


The gun is older than Mitch. Amazing.

They pretty much release one of these videos every few months. Every once in a while they go viral

The only thing surprising about that is that they picked a relatively normal game like soccer instead of cricket or quidditch. Eh, I guess soccer is the international peopleā€™s game.

Imagine being on the Antifa soccer team and being forced to play on the right wing


Brooklyn is a good slow-paced drama. Hanna is a good action movie. I canā€˜t remember how big her role was in Grand Budapest Hotel but that is another very good movie she was in.

Open challenge to anybody to provide a logical reason to make your bed on any sort of regular basis for normal people under normal circumstances.


Keeps the dog from lying on the sheet. Thatā€™s the reason I ā€œmakeā€ my bed, and that just means pulling the covers up.


I am mostly normal. Circumstances less so. My bedroom is tiny. Like so small my bed (just a mattress on the floor, actually) blocks a rear door to my apartment. I prefer to use that door so I donā€™t have to go through the common area at the front of the building. I donā€™t so much make the bed as unmake it, i.e. I fold up the covers and pull up the mattress and lean it out of the way against the wall.

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The Grand Budapest Hotel?

This part doesnā€™t often happen for me.

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OK, I see where you are going wrong here with linens. You need a duvet and a duvet cover. These combine into a single unit and eliminate the need for any other bed coverings. One of them gets washed regularly, the other gets washed infrequently. This will greatly simplify many aspects of your bedding needs and improve your life immeasurably.

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No fuss Murphy Bed. I like it.

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JT makes his bed to work his muscles since his weighted blanket weighs 40 kilograms*

*adjusted unit to reflect the mores of his new homeland

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