**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

I think it’s best to forget about Dore and just look at the issue. From what I saw some progressives and leftists want AOC to go hard at pushing for a floor vote on m4a to get dems on the record for it so it can be used to attack the ones that don’t support it. AOC has a big media presence and could use that to her advantage in pushing for this. Also then clowns like Ossoff can’t keep tweeting that they think healthcare is a right lol. People siding with her are bringing up political capital (lol) and saying the game has to be played.

Some of her supporters want this AOC


Turns out the pinky swear promise isn’t actually all that binding in the real world.

perjury is no longer a crime if you’re white and at least middle class.

If progressives really wanted a M4A floor vote, they should have threatened the stimulus bill.

I think this is what I’d do if it was a high profile case that I knew about, never been called for jury duty though so maybe I’d just puss out

Jury duty is the only thing I’ve been on time for everyday I was in court, I’ve always wanted to talk about it after the fact but couldn’t, it was a murder case back in the 90’s.

A few years later I’m in a omaha game & the dude who got convicted turns up, no joke, I leave soon after as he’s a nutter.

I don’t think he recognised me at all tbh.

About 6 months later another driver is telling me about the game 1 night, in that another driver tried to say he had the nut flush on the river, so the Nutter can fold but he doesn’t and tables his cards for all to see, the other driver folds his not a flush hand and the Nutter takes it in his stride with a appolgy and the driver is like “He was lucky, he had a tool in his back pocket”

Still I couldn’t say a thing…

The nutter has since been killed by a 18 year old in a house party that went wrong…


as AOC pointed out, a floor vote in the current conditions would not actually be useful for that purpose since anyone who is worried about getting attacked can safely vote however they need to, as the bill has zero chance of passing into law.



I was called to the pool for jury duty in a very notorious murder trial, but I just stood there like a dip and my name was never called. Can confirm most people were desperate to get out of it. At one point the judge mentioned he had the authority to go out in the street and just grab people to serve if he needed to, which, lol.

I’m glad this is someone else’s experience, as I frequently feel lazy. I came from a work culture (boat captain) where if you are not doing something constantly, you are probably being lazy or not doing your job.

I frequently have 1 or 2 days out of my week where 90% of the work gets done, the rest are just waiting for meetings or conversations with my boss.

That’s true. I still think there could be some utility when it comes to campaigning if people vote “yes” to support it even if they don’t support it.

I’m not sure which direction I would want her to go but a lot of people seem to be making too much of a deal that people are disagreeing with her. I think she welcomes disagreement and discussion on what the strategy should be and I’m sure she at least looks at the twitter discussion around it, if you even want to call it discussion because a lot of twitter is just dunks and shit like that.

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On a construction site if you stop working for 5 minutes it’s noticed. You can goof off more than half the time at any office job and no one notices or cares.

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That’s simply not true these days.

Email I sent to the dealer lease rep for those following along.

The car is overdue for service but only has about 9,000 miles. It has a ding on the front bumper and I will need to have that inspected and possibly repaired for the end of lease. I have no service lights on, but I do have lights/start-up warning for low tire pressure. I put air in the tires but the warning has remained.

As for my thinking on the lease-end, I definitely don’t want “more” car as I only average about 3k mi a year. The payoff of $23.5k is perhaps slightly over bluebook. I would perhaps just buy the car for $20k, but $23.5k is a stretch. I could maybe see re-leasing but would likely only be interested in a 2-series gran coupe, though I see that as a step down from the 325i at a slightly higher price. My current inclination is to turn the car in and go without a car for up to a month or two until I find a dealer willing to a fairly unfavorable deal for themselves (eg, Acura’s current ILX offer for $2799 down and $219/mo). I don’t want to play hardball, but that’s where I am at the moment.

I can come in tomorrow after 10am for an inspection if we can schedule a time.

I could feel my boss looking at me if I stopped to drink water out of a hose in the summertime.

Once I gashed my thigh on a nail they’d used to support scaffolding. It wasn’t really serious but bled some and looked nasty. Still have like a 5 inch scar. Boss didn’t notice till end of day.

I did too & never thought I’d be picked out then when I did get picked I realise that the defence obviously thought I’d be liking their defence of their client being an East end boy. Ohhh Boy. :roll_eyes:

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America strikes back in the scary animal competition.



Yea we used to have to do shit like come to work with a severe flu (I had to work with walking pneumonia more than once) or actual broken limbs if you could not find someone to cover for you. Good luck if you got sick on christmas, you were working it 100% of the time or finding a new job. Unsurprisingly in USA #1 it’s completely legal too.

Now at my current job I just took a few weeks off to burn expiring PTO and no one blinked twice.

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The trick on a site is to always have something in your hands at all times, even just a long stick to lean on all day would do for you to avoid scrutiny… :smirk:

You mean like building a bridge that goes nowhere in particular and is now a part of the scenery?

M8 Bridge to Nowhere - Wikipedia.

Bridge to Nowhere is a nickname used to refer to various unfinished structures around the M8 motorway in the centre of Glasgow, Scotland. They were built in the 1960s as part of the Glasgow Inner Ring Road project but left incomplete for several years. One ‘bridge’, at Charing Cross, was completed in the 1990s as an office block. The Anderston Footbridge, a pedestrian bridge south of St Patrick’s church, was finally completed in 2013 as part of a walking and cycling route.[1]

A third ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ was created in 2008 following the demolition of a hotel a few blocks away from the M8 but its remains were finally removed in 2017.