**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Lotta people choosing an objectively wrong answer. You are massively more likely to have a good, happy life if you keep a few mil and give the rest away ASAP.


Yep. Pretty sure research shows winning the lottery is very likely to either not change your happiness level or even make you less happy.

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about five or six years ago there was some dude in the Lounge or EDF that claimed to hit the lotto for like, what $100MM or so? That guy was full of shit, right?

Oddly, I know two people who won the lotto. A woman in grad school won $3M and a family friend won $50k/year for 20 years on a scratch ticket.

Pretty sure thatā€™s just because most people are dumb.


Sure but heā€™s already limited in what he can do with his own money because he has so much of it. So it doesnā€™t effect him or his lifestyle at all.

Iā€™ll take my chances, thank you very much. :grin:


If I won, say, $100M Iā€™d set aside maybe 5M for myself and my family/friends who need help, then figure out how many homes I can purchase, renovate, and give away to people in Baltimore. Probably a couple thousand, at least, although Iā€™d like some of them to be housing for the homeless and thereā€™s probably a deeper investment involved there to hook them up with social workers and medical care and whatnot. Although honestly Iā€™d dread having to screen applicants and pick winners and losers.


A guy I lived next to in college apartments made a billion. He was FBs first hire and ran its hardware setup for like 10 years. He now teaches school.

(Well, teaches computer science as an adjunct professor.)

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is newsweek still a ā€œrealā€ magazine? I read this headline and just assumed they went bankrupt and a troll farm bought the domain?

As I recall, Newsweek got bought out by some shady-ass clickbait company. Or maybe thatā€™s Time.

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A brother of a friend of mine won the lottery for $16 million. It took about 10 years to blow it all mostly on trips to Vegas. I heard it really sucks to work shit jobs and be known as the guy who blew his lotto winnings.



wait no way

Iā€™m sure theyā€™re TERRIFIED of having toā€¦maybe pay $5 million of OPM

This is my representative


I wouldnā€™t tell anybody about my lotto score. Iā€™d give away the bulk of it. But I wouldnā€™t want the criticism. Iā€™d do it mostly by whim-- suboptimal and probably way less effective from a do-good perspective than Gates/Buffet.

It would be stuff like, hey lady thatā€™s been panhandling with her kids on that corner for 6 months and has them in a plastic bubble/tent so they donā€™t run off or freeze, hereā€™s $10K, take your kids to daycare. Hey Sarah Mclachlan, here, have $100K, stop making me cry with your animal cruelty videos. Lady on local news that canā€™t afford groceries during the pandemic, hereā€™s $2K. Food pantry, $50K for you.

Iā€™d also anonomously gift some to friends and family in need or who are just generally deserving. For myself Iā€™d buy like a 5 yo Lexus IS 250 and get a slightly bigger apartment. Iā€™d keep enough so I could afford health care and donā€™t end up homeless.

I actually feel like this approach makes me kind of a dick, so I wouldnā€™t want anyone to know.


Over time Iā€™ve come to realize I get way more utility out of having money than I do from spending it. Just knowing I can tell anyone to fuck off and still have a roof over my head is a good feeling. Also when I buy expensive stuff I just feel like an asshole.


Try the new American cherry pies, make sure you have insurance because you might need it


Banishing the pandemic task force and spending your resources on loosening cherry pie restrictions seems like kind of a bad idea in hindsight. But what do I know?

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You donā€™t need a million dollars to do that. My cousin tells anyone to fuck off and heā€™s broke.