**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

lol “just something to consider” fuck you i wanna go 900mph across deplorable country on my way to vegas

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forum uberoverlords from far away decided animated avatars were bad? or maybe zz and oreo are just lying to me. it’s like 50% they’re lying to me because it’s cyberbullying and they’ve always been against me because they hate you but they gotta come through me, is what’s happening

You can complain to them directly here. I don’t think you’ll have any luck, but it might be entertaining.

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To be clear, that’s not me that’s past 2000, I’m sitting more 1450-1500

Better than my casual fan friends or people that haven’t devoted serious study to chess,

and getting absolutely rekt by people who have

I’m at least an 18 or 19.

Need to write some kind of script to insert this for suzzer.


even if animated gifs are on the fritz around here.

eta: I just noticed my avatar doesn’t work. Maybe I’ll go back to



You people think I like the ugly kid avatar? I maintain it as a service to others.

My original avatar, and my pokerstars avatar, was the Velvet Underground banana.


Nice thanks :+1: I had already bought the diamond service on chess.com. it’s about to be winter in MN which means a lot of indoor free time so I’m going to try to play or study every day and see what happens.

What’s with these rich weirdos making hyper loops




Can we conclude that the more restrictive a country is, the more restrictions it has?


Woah slow down there.

Physics is fun at the Masters


Holy shit

Practice round. Sad!

didn’t vijay do something similar?

God that new thing IG is doing where it lets you watch like 8 seconds of a video and then pauses it and asks you if you want to continue watching, and then restarts the video from the beginning again, is one of the most infuriating and inexplicable social media changes I’ve seen in years and I lived through the snapchat redesign.

Funny story about Vijay. A golfer buddy of mine said he was watching Vijay hit balls at a range one time, along with some other people, including like a 10 year old kid. Just crushing like a 2 iron or something, everything landing around where he was aiming like he was throwing darts. When he went to change clubs the ten year old said “great hitting!” and Vijay said “no shit, did you see the name on the fucking bag?”