**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

Oh, no, you are crazy if you think they aren’t going to try to pull that shit, with some marketing campaign with a bunch of POc handing out water and emotional
Music playing with clips of MLK as voiceover.


My online game got me this morning, we’ve been looking for a secret spot on the map for a few weeks now and Cords were posted for it on our discord and had to wait 3 hours to see IF it worked… realised once I was at work that I’d been done like a kipper.

The Trump Era really killed April Fool’s right? I used to kinda enjoy it, last four years it was like “fuck I cannot right now.”

No… He promoted it to everyday.

“Dont compliment people on weight loss”

I think this article is really really dumb. Having recently lost 40 lbs, I love when people notice and compliment it.

For one, it affirms the outdated narrative that smaller is better, thinner is the ideal, and achieving a slim figure is better than being plus size. That fat people are unattractive, obesity is your own fault.

Obesity is very very rarely not a result of lifestyle choices. Choices you make every day, and choices that can have severe impacts on your long term health. If I didn’t lose my weight I was on the fast track to diabetes by 40 like my dad, who died at 57 from heart disease. For him, obesity was definitely NOT better. And it was his fault.

This is the kind of dumbass logic I hear all the time. Obesity is one of the biggest health crises we have in this nation (if not the biggest??) and it contributes to an overwhelming amount of societal cost, and not just money either. I gotta live my whole life without a dad because of it.

So stop this normalizing obesity ffs. We are already a fat as hell nation. I’m all for making beauty standards less about being thin, but hell, we’re already THERE. Big asses and bodies are in vogue now. Not my style, but we have definitely shifted away from the stick figure thin model look of the early aughts.



A post was merged into an existing topic: NCAA v. Alston

NCAA content gets its own thread.


Can you do me a favour and take me off the main post as I don’t want to be seeing all the replies, thanks in advance.


You can mute a thread.


Just switch to normal or muted.

EDIT: what jmakin said.

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Done, thanks :+1: I forgot about that lol me.

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Yea, I’m all for not fat shaming. I think that’s terrible. I’m against the argument that obese = healthy, which is the implicit argument people sometimes make when they try to normalize it.

It’s not even that. Sometimes people will say you’re fat shaming if you call it unhealthy, which boggles my mind. I come from a family of extremely obese people with a lot of issues, namely diabetes. It’s a terrible disease that eats you alive from the inside.


Some good news:



Warms my heart. I’ve spent probably dozens of hours arguing with people over the merits of keeping “history.”

Hint: it’s never actually about the history.


People fall for the conservative line that statues are history, when they’re monuments.

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Yip… Its my main gripe when discussing them with others.

Where do you expect them to get their history? Books?

Omg, requesting that the unstuck wizards make something similar to this page show whenever we have downtime.

Shroomery site down, anyone good at IDing psilocybes? Found these popping up in cow poop all over my farm…