**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

When I was 19 I was struggling to find any job that would have me. Filled out an application at Burger King and sat down to interview with the manager.

First question: “Why do you want to work at Burger King?”

“Desperation”, I answered.

He hired me.

Later that day I got a slightly better job offer at Dunkin’ Donuts and never showed up for my first BK shift.


Wow suzzer is going full Tucker Carlson on us.


We’ve been through this.

The BK guy is okay with people keeping it real, you should have worked for him.


No way. 3rd shift at Dunkin’ in an early 90’s rust belt city was chock full of formative life experiences.


First evidence of hope in 2020: I saw Cosmic Crisp apples at the grocery store for the first time in about 7 months.

GOAT apple and it’s not even close.

As someone who apparently interviews terribly, 1 for 30 lifetime, this is depressing. I apparently cleared the bare minimum bars mentioned, so I guess it’s just me.


in general I find that most people use “cultural fit” as an excuse for getting rid of candidates when they don’t have a good reason, and overreliance on it is pretty highly correlated with monoculture.

referrals are absolutely the best way to get a good hire IMO, but can also lead to extreme monoculture.

the biggest problem with hiring is that individual hiring managers are HIGHLY incentivized to go with safe hires and have almost zero incentive to take a flyer on someone, so diversity gets a lot of lip service in the aggregate but all the individual hiring managers only make offers to the safe candidates that they have referrals for, which in practice means (in my industry) 95% white guys.

as a hiring manager I might get a single req for the quarter and if it doesn’t work out it might mean six months (in the US) or more (in europe) of bullshit on my plate. a lot of these guys really do think diviersity is a noble goal and want the company to be more diverse but for THIS hire they just need a guy RIGHT NOW that can jump in and hit the ground running and they have a STELLAR referral for THIS guy who just happens to be white and male, and every one of them will rationalize it as “MY req is unique”


The very idea of interviewing terrifies me but my percentage is really high. I must be taking too many BK type jobs.

yea I interviewed a bunch in college for internships before Senior year, never fucking got one, then got out of school in 2009 lookin for a job and went 0 for a fuckload on interviews before walmart hired me to stock shelves.

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My buddy is a finance degenerate who interviews other finance degenerates.

They don’t drug test, but he says “We only drug test applicants who ASK about the drug test.”

Hol up. They’re better than Honey Crisps? Gonna need details.

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Umm, yes. It’s a hybrid of Honeycrisp and Enterprise.

Honeycrisp has an elite ceiling, but they have huge variance and do not keep very long. Cosmic Crisp taste as good or better than Honeycrisp, plus the texture is better. There is literally no reason to ever purchase Honeycrisp if Cosmic Crisp is available.

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idiot business owners should not co-opt political protests, or at the very least study the most recent of histories about what happens to autonomous zones.

not actually a huge fan of honeycrisps. often get gala or pink lady instead. jonahgolds and golden delicious are great if you have access to a tree. much better picked than mass distribution


I’m on Team Braeburn for life.

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If this is your taste preference, I would be stunned if you didn’t love Cosmic Crisp.

I am an evangelist for two fruits: pineapple and Cosmic Crisp apples.

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I read an article about Cosmic Crisp a while back and have been searching for them. None in the Dallas area that I could find. Hopefully that changes soon

oh i will definitely try it

I will eat honeycrisps but as someone else noted upthread they have a pretty high variance. I’ve been enjoying galas more than I used to, not sure if they’re better this year or if my tastes have changed.

I had some Korus a couple of years ago, I think they were from new zealand, they were off the charts but haven’t seen them again. :(