**Official** Physicists are freaks and very weird dudes LC Thread

This is a frequent cause of tension in my house. For my entire adult life my approach has been “don’t buy any sweets” because I lack the self-control to pace myself with eating them. My girlfriend can buy a big pack of chocolates and eat maybe one per week over the course of a year. Naturally, I end up sneaking some and all of a sudden half the pack is missing and I’m in deep trouble.


Same. Current strategy is to put them somewhere hard to get to and leave the bag there. It works a little.


I’m the same. Only this morning my wife had told my son he could have a biscuit and came and asked where the ones she’d bought last week were. As if.


I live alone and I don’t stock any evil foodstuffs in my house at all. I’m not a sweet tooth so chocolate and sweets aren’t so bad, but I still don’t generally have them. Snack foods like corn chips, spicy nut and cracker snacks etc, there’s no fucking way I stock those in my house. Ditto beer, ditto open bottles of spirits. I can have closed bottles of wine in the house without opening them. This is all just necessary for me, like if I had corn chips in the house all the time I would probably be 50lb heavier. I don’t find it an imposition as I was raised in a healthy household, owing partly to my sister having juvenile diabetes.


I’m the same with pretty much any food I like. I solved it by never keeping solid food around. Maybe not solved, but handled it.



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It looks like your link to i.pinimg.com was already posted in the topic by @6ix in a reply on Mar 16, '21 – are you sure you want to post it again?

yes discourse helper that’s literally the point

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I don’t eat a lot of chocolate nowadays, I did as a kid I think because it was my out, everyday I craved sweets as a young kid & done all sorts for money to achieve this from gardening to golf ball detector.

And then 1 day we came across this postman just round the corner from the post office who had free leaflets for these sweets called Banjo’s and he dumped the lot in the bushes, oh my, we better retrieve them as I’m sure the company would like us to sample ithe product.

We managed to empty every shop on the main road from top to bottom & that’s a lot of newsagents believe me.

Lasted us for days :grin:

They had soft caramel & peanut, always a winning combination.

When these arrived I was hooked, there’s not much I wouldn’t do as a kid for a Texan…


Nailed it… :grin:




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I found them, yeah, but if they’re the guys I’m thinking of they’ve long abandoned the apparently-casual ethic. The one I saw was just a wordless montage of guys doing everyday tasks and casually throwing a scrunched-up piece of paper into a bin without looking and similar things. No talking or even acknowledgement of the camera.

Although… I feel like this idea is, like most things, stolen from a smaller content creator, and that might be the video you’re thinking of. I think it’s the one I’m thinking of.

…thinking of, asshole.

no problem not touching any open alcohol in the house. chocolate is a problem though.

i sort of manage it by forcing myself to eat more protein and fruit. jerky is expensive and gotta watch the sugar calories, but i’ll buy/make hard boiled eggs, and eat that before sweets. or even a high protein cheese slices.

apples are good cause there’s a lot of chewing, so it slows down my intake. mandarin oranges don’t slow me down but i hope there’s enough fiber in there to keep me from reaching for chocolates. if all else fails, making hot chocolate yourself (not premixed packets) lets me control amounts of sweetener.




I didn’t really have this issue pre Covid but being home all the time has made it a bit of a thing. I don’t buy snacks anymore.




if only it were possible to purchase (checks notes) mobile devices out of state and take them over state lines.