npc12345 argues that actually guns are fine

We’ll see if she can push her influence beyond her core audience.

Nixon was a genuine sociopath (and tragic at the same time) - how much influence McGovern (or anyone else) had on him, who knows. Couldn’t have hurt though.


I don’t even know that she’s a leader yet. She has definitely stepped up and impressed everyone except the haters. She got her spot by hard work though. It should be a bootstrap story.

I call bullshit, the meth diet is very effective at making people lose weight

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A good percentage of the Mango Menace’s twitter followers are Dems taunting him.

After the personal attack on matty I think a ban now is appropriate.

Arguing in good faith with a bad faith poster isn’t a good look for the new forum and just makes the forum a honeypot for future trolls.


Yea I knew he wouldn’t respond to me unless it was a personal attack. That’s OK, he proved my point.

Amazon has basically said they will do everything they said they would without the billions of dollars of free incentives since, so she was proven right there though.

It was a good question there should be fingerprint readers on guns. We have them on phones houses and cars but not guns. That alone would cut down on a lot of death including the 250 suicides Neil deGrasse Tyson pointed out.

The fingerprint technology could be used by spouses and police to lockdown the guns incase the owner was under the influence too. Like a guardian lock or something.

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If it was that good of technology it would save way more then i was thinking. If the cops had the ability to shutdown guns from their phones mass shooting and all other legal gun owners who turn into bad guys could be stopped much easier. You could even have programs where guns dont work inside schools or Walmarts.

You could literally set up gun free zones where guns won’t work. Kinda like Wi-Fi.

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Its definitely possible to limit the use of firearms through smart technologies and I’m sure every firearm outside the Police could be rendered useless and only made active when in the firing range.

Guess what Joe Rogan your fellow Americans just made it so that (as actual people have been killed, you know Joe there human beings with family’s, kids (kids also killed) parents) that you cannot hunt anymore and it’s up to YOU as an American Joe Rogan to take responsibility for these deaths because YOU promoted guns.

Joe Rogan is a horrible human being no matter what he does or tries to do in the future, he has blood of AMERICA & AMERICANS on his hands & so do all the hunters in American society from about the 1950 and onwards as we had no need to hunt with live rounds.

It’s no coincidence that the old towns in the west didn’t allow weapons in their towns and that it was almost impossible to be able to restrict guns from the emerging city’s of the past, so everyone needed a weapon of some sort and so began the horrors of city life.
Now we have a solution to that with smart technologies and its time to act. And take it all the way to no gun should ever be fired outwith a gun range and law enforcement.
But YOU won’t because off racism and the fear of the other, because you NPC are a fucking shit bag who would run from a stand up fight to go get your weapon you pussy.

People have already moved on because she lost by <100 votes, but AOC almost single-handedly got Tiffany Caban, a young, LGBTQ, Hispanic public defender elected to be fucking Queens District Attorney. QUEENS! The home of Trump and perhaps the most oppressive Democratic Party good ole boy operation in the country.

yeah that ban was useless because it focused on dumb cosmetic shit. We can make a better one that will actually have an impact.

As much as I like the idea of fingerprint gun tech or using Wi-Fi to connect them, there’s this:

Gun DIY is gonna be the thing

nobody said this

Do you even know who the opposition is?

It’s been a thing since I was born too, in Europe its more common than you think. I’m sure that in the UK you will receive more time in jail if caught with homemade guns and ammo.

Weird needle. Considering I have no idea his friend died at the Vegas shooting (though it is completely irrelevant to the debate) and I never commented on it.