NotBrucez, let's talk

Aight. elephant in the room is @NotBruceZ, you are kinda pushing the envelope. Not sure what the driver of it is, but I am going to be straight forward about it. It makes me uncomfortable for a few reasons, and I am not feeling like staying quiet about it is the respectful or right thing to do.

First, I am not sure where your head is really at. With the state of the world and the things that have been going on lately, I am legitimately concerned for and about you when you post some of the things you are posting. I have zero insight into whether you are anywhere near acting on anything you are saying, or just blowing off steam, or what. I don’t know who you are from the old site, but it has even occurred to me you could be a bad actor who is trying to get people here to agree with you or even escalate the talk as a troll.

The thing is, any and all of the above kinda demand action on our part, IMO. So I am going to say it, cut it out, man. If you are serious, or semi-serious, or if it is a cry for help, and you would like someone to talk to I hope the community here, including myself would like to get you help and support. If you are not serious and it is hyperbole, or just frustration manifesting itself, you are making a mistake for a number of reasons posting like that. If you are a trolling or edge lording, either as a black hat action or not, I’d just ask that you stop it.


I saw his Trump/ISIS post. I thought it was a bad attempt at humor and nothing more than that.

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If it was one post, sure. But there are at least a dozen like that.

Just don’t let edgelord humor get us on a terror watchlist.


So, here’s where my head is at. I don’t think I’m a threat to commit any real world mayhem, but I make no promises if Trump is re-elected. I agree with @jmakin:

I don’t believe national unity is possible. I’m interested in changing the language we use to embrace this reality. Trump delenda est.

I am aware there are potential dangers. I am aware that I could be having delusions of grandeur that anything I write on some tiny internet forum that no one has heard of and few people will ever read has a non-zero chance of changing things.

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I really am on your side. We are cut from the same cloth. But we shouldn’t use rhetoric that goes over the line, you know? A few posts you have made have raised my eyebrows. But I echo the sentiments. I just think engaging this way is likely to ruffle too many feathers to make a real difference and will result in a ban.

Just tone it back a few ticks and I think everything’s cool. For that stuff, feel free to PM me - I am confident we’re on the same level.