Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

I was an eleven-year old crossing guard. I still remember being antagonized by two eight-year olds who enjoyed sitting down in the middle of the street and making me drag them to the curb. Little brats.

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They had a cop standing there watching them!

I was waiting for a lady with a baby to cross the street this morning, everyone from all other directions is just saying f it and going, I look at her and she’s still standing on the corner, so I start to go and she starts to go??? Thanks everyone great job!

The other day I was passing another spot by my house in the middle of school drop off, and there was like 15 kids on both sides of the crosswalks waiting to cross and like… the crossing guards didn’t stop me??? I’m just suppose to barrel through a crosswalk absolutely swarming with kids while the crossing guards just stand there? Absolute chaos

I have never heard of kids as crossing guards, where I am we have neckbearded dudes who look like pedophiles, as God intended.

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You could be a crossing guard in elementary when i was there (early/mid 90s). I’m guessing it was only the 4th or 5th graders that could do it but I don’t remember the specifics.

We have really grumpy retired lunch ladies.


Honestly the idea of children as crossing guards sounds insane.


We had 5th graders as “Safeties” or “Safety guards” when I was in school, but still had proper crossing guards at the big roads. The safety guards got to wear cool reflective sashes and helped the younger kids get to the busses and cross the smaller side streets I think.

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Alright here is a story of me trying to leave a parking lot yesterday.

It is a small gated parking lot, you need to get your parking pass validated, scan it at the exit, and the arm will raise to let you to leave.

But I accidental balled the slip up while I was getting breakfast, and when I went to leave my paper wouldn’t scan.

So I’m sitting at the gate trying to get it to scan, clearly struggling, not sure what to do, and then I see there might be a person in the booth right in front of me, but the windows of the booth are heavily tinted, the person is wearing a full brimmed hat and looking straight downward, and it takes me a few seconds to realize there is a person there and it’s not a mannequin, so I honk to get their attention.

This was the wrong thing to do, as this woman got so offended she stood there slowing grandstanding and lecturing me instead of letting me leave.

Me: Hi my paper won’t scan, can you help me?
Her: Oh yes see the machine needs a flat surface so it can scan, and if you ball the…
Me: Yes I know that, can you just help me
Her: So what you have to do is not ball the paper up and…
Me: YES, I know that! Can you please just let me leave
Her: Sir I’m trying to tell you that the reason it can’t scan is because you balled up the paper, the machine is unable to read you ticket…
Me: YES I KNOW. I am trying to leave! Help me leave!
Her: Ok, back up to the machine
Her: Ok, see this screen isn’t the screen for scanning…
Me: Yes I know
Her: So what you need to do is go back to the regular screen because it won’t work if you try…
Me: YES I KNOW THAT. I tried scanning it on the real screen, it didn’t work, so I tried pressing the other options button to see what that said.


Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays.



So you eventually smoothed out the ticket enough so it would scan?

Yes. As it turns out I didn’t need their help and just had to keep trying for another minute.

I hate when people are incapable of skipping ahead in a series of steps but need to say them all in order.

Might have ADHD. This is one of the things that alerted me. I guess for us its REALLY hard to not try to jump ahead in a converaation when we think we know where the person is going. This has caused problems for me at both work and with my wife as Ill often try to finish people’s thoughts for them if they arent going fast enough for my dumb brain.


Would you have preferred it if she left the booth, took your ticket, successfully scanned it on the first try, and then slowly shook her head as you drove off?

Yes, 1000%

“Ma’am, it’s OK if you have to shame me, just let me out of here.”

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That would have been great, but it didn’t happen that way. I already had to try and validate my parking pass inside the restaurant, and it took me a while for it to scan it inside a dark restaurant where I was closer to the scanner, and then when I tried it at the booth outside I didn’t just scan it once and give up.

But yeah, you guys are right, I am the asshole, I didn’t have to get angry at some random woman, even though she was absolutely fucking with me because she was butthurt that I honked to get her attention.

Yesterday I opened the fridge to see this:

I don’t even have the energy to explain it.

I mean, the short story is that for the last week or so, we’ve had a bunch of old apples in the fridge, but my son and I were (rightly) ignoring them to eat fresher, crisper apples. So my wife declared that no further fresh, crisp apples could be eaten until all of the old ones had been eaten. She put those old ones in the container at the top of the picture, and I’ve been eating mushy apples for several days. But apparently my son ignored/forgot her directive and ate a fresh apple, which led my wife to put the FIFO warning tape on the drawer of fresh apples.


I would suggest you FIFO before you FAFO.