Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

When I have to correct “ducking” for the third time my lawnmower is heavily activated.

Try typing civillian in Chrome. What does it suggest?


Maybe it’s a mac chrome thing, because it sure doesn’t know it for me. See screenshot above.

The real question for me is: how do you not know how to spell alcohol?

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It feels like there’s an h after the c. Like alchemy, archive, chorus, chaos, chrome, character, mechanic, anchor, etc.

Other words I usually struggle to spell right the first time: misogyny/misogynistic, exercise, civilian, millennial, Philippines/Filipino, Caribbean, mayonnaise.

And the school appears to be set to cut my hours for next school year. This year, I got 25 classes/week, two above what I got last year. FT is 20 classes. So I was getting time and a half for 20 classes/month. The OT was appreciated. The extra work wasn’t too time-consuming and it gave me some extra money. I’ll probably still be full-time as cutting hours below that changes the contract quite a bit.

What bothers me almost as much is that it seems that everybody at the school knew this news before me. The communication is just absolutely terrible between management and teachers. It’s doubly worse when you don’t speak the language effectively. I basically learn all this stuff from one of my colleagues who has been here for like 20 years.

Looks like I’ll be grinding out some PT work to compensate. Maybe I’ll luck out and find some private classes on the side.


I have four heart-rending, debilitating crushes: two librarians, a barista, and a bartendress whose ass belongs in the Smithsonian. Not one of them has aged a single day in the past fifteen months, but I now look like Emperor Palpatine.


Enjoy it! (Not exactly the same thing, but reminds me of


I’m not sure what your name is, but that was a good video.


I ordered some clothes and after a long email exchange and numerous phone calls the company finally told me that the package never arrived at their courier and that they would refund my payment. Took two weeks for them to tell me. I was pissed but at least I’m getting my money back. I have enough time before my trip to buy some new clothes.

I order clothes from some place else and all of a sudden find that my package from the first company (Next Direct) is suddenly moving and I didn’t get my refund.

It’s a holiday. So I don’t know what the hell is going on. What I do know is that it seems that those fuckers at Next Direct never cancelled the order like they said they would and that I’ll be receiving way too much clothing because it probably won’t be enough time to stop the other order.

Fuck Next Direct so much. Fuck them.

Amazon only works properly when you can treat your workers worse than we should treat livestock. I suspect that’s a bit more of a challenge in Germany. If there are literally any enforced labor/safety regulations at all the customer experience carriage turns back into a pumpkin.

You will get the normal Amazon experience a few months after Amazon automates the last few warehouse workers and delivery people.

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So we all have credit cards and use them to buy literally everything (they give us meaningful cash back for doing this). And when we click buy now it shows up sometime between today and two days from now. We literally just click one button and it magically appears within 72 hours. Yours doesn’t work like that so you don’t like it. That’s because you aren’t getting the same product.

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He is saying it is because they treat workers like shit in America to move quickly and on time. Everything arrives the very next day now, sometimes the exact same day, I’ll order at 1pm and it’ll be at my house at 6pm sometimes. They have a warehouse like 30 minutes from my house and if the product is stocked there, guess they are able to instantly pull the product and get it on a local delivery truck that afternoon.

Feels like magic, and BS is saying the “magic” is terrified workers w/ no rights who are scared to lose there job.

I’ve never had anything be two days late, much less two weeks.

That’s a huge difference. Huge.

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The way it works here is that Amazon has maybe thousands of warehouses all across the country. The sellers ship the product to Amazon warehouses ahead of time, and pay Amazon to store the product until it is sold.

The warehouses are insane places where workers are under immense pressure to pull and package the products as soon as they are ordered. Then Amazon has contracts w/ FedEx, UPS, and the Post Office to get the packages to you ASAP. They don’t accept just standard service from these companies either, they say if you don’t get our packages on time, we will give your business to one of the other companies.

Lastly, in big cities, they have contracts with local delivery drivers to just take the product straight from the warehouse to a delivery route in your neighborhood.

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America sucks so much. Can’t walk anywhere. You can walk forever in a city without encountering a convenience store, and many close at midnight. Everything is far apart and the public transit is awful.

There’s roughly a 40% chance if you enter a business that the employees will be discussing the ways the boss cheats them.

Worst diet in the whole world and the butt-hose is not a part of toilet culture.

Having to weigh going to the hospital with the cost.

Shit internet that is more expensive.

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You realize there are affordable places in many cities where people can manage without a car?

And LOL at complaining about not being able to find some light night convenience store manned by some underpaid employees.

Convenience stores open 24/7 are super-rare in Europe.

I remember there being one in Spain where I lived and it was a gas station where everything was marked up at night. The only one I knew in the city I lived in.

Haven’t come across one in Prague yet. You’ll have a place or two that’ll be open past midnight on a day per week but that’s it.

It is something I miss about America.

My understanding is that Germany has some really different thoughts about debt because they blame debt as a key reason the Nazis happened. Using credit cards for online purchases is standard in western economies outside of Germany.

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