‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

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Jesus christ that is sad

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This shit again


cnbc reporting at least 2 killed, 4 injured

And I’m participating in a school shooter drill next week.

Fuck you David Kozák

What is that, like a median weekly school shooting in America Number 1?




That guy got elected?!

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With over 64% of the vote.

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Ridiculous. Feel bad for Georgia. But I understand the rest of the state isn’t exactly the blue concentration of Athens and Atlanta.

Marjorie Taylor Greene also won with 65% of the vote.

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My brother lives in Augusta and it’s all trumplestillskin all the time.

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Y’know, I think I really, really underestimate the social media brainwashing propaganda universe and how effective it has been on the right. I don’t watch it, so I don’t know, but it’s got to be way stronger than I ever guessed it could be. GWB, McCain and Romney were the darlings of the party not that long ago. I can imagine them going to their shrinks and saying “Republicans used to love me, now all of them have changed and they all hate me”. And the shrink would say, “Now you know that’s not possible, it’s much more likely that they are all the same, but you in fact have changed.” But the truth is, the old school republicans haven’t changed, but their entire base has, and in not that long a time. Sad.

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Southern Georgia has the best billboards



Im pretty sure on September 12 2001 there were zero thought and prayera, just a bunch of cockpit doors getting triple reinforced


Thoughts and prayers is literally (and no I am no being hyperbolic) the most evil phrase in gun policy. Every person who uses it is a moral black hole.