‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

You could add “kill nwords” to each of those options and you would have the complete reasoning.


Of all the anti-American hills to die on, the Constitution as worst political document ever written is certainly the most galaxy brain.






Reason number 1,987,983,276 to pay zero attention to the bible for social or ethical guidance.

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This recent shooting and the anti-LGBTQ2S response looks like the straw that broke the camels back for my dad (who is gay). He is selling his winter place in Phoenix and says he is done going to states.

I’m glad because I honestly don’t feel that comfortable when he goes down there anymore.

My brother is in Portland still so not sure how that will look.


This is a prime example where loosening gun laws and taking each step of a situation as legal or not and then taking a step back and seeing that we’ve now allowed situations where people can take the law into their own hands and it’s condoned

San Antonio Police Department spokesperson Nick Soliz said the man called 911 to report his truck missing from his northside residence Wednesday, but did not wait for officers’ help.

Instead, he and two relatives drove to the Chevy Silverado’s location and approached a man sitting inside the vehicle.

The alleged thief flashed a gun at the truck owner, who then he shot him dead in response, he told police. The suspected thief died at a San Antonio hospital later that afternoon.

“If your vehicle is stolen, I know it’s frustrating,” Soliz said. “But please do not take matters into your own hands like this.”

Investigators have not confirmed whether they found a weapon in the alleged thief’s possession. Thursday, police were still investigating and debating whether to charge the shooter with a crime.

“Whether something is wise to do or not is different from whether it’s illegal,” said Nico LaHood, a defense lawyer who previously served as Bexar County’s District Attorney. “A lot of people, unfortunately, confuse ‘That wasn’t the best choice’ with ‘That must have been illegal.’”

LaHood says, if he were District Attorney again, he would not pursue charges against the shooter. He sees the incident as a series of separate, legal events.

It is legal to pursue someone who’s stolen property to prevent consequences of theft, he said. It’s also legal for most Texans to carry a gun.

And it is legal for Texans to use deadly force to defend themselves from apparent and imminent danger.

I feel you. Not exactly the same thing, but my wife (who is Indian) and I have been rolling back our US travel dramatically as Trumpism has taken hold. She always faced obnoxious racism in the States post 9-11 but she is very justifiably scared of violence now. I can’t even imagine how bad it must be for transgender people now with Fox News pushing anti-trans agenda constantly and basically telling people it’s their moral right to defend themselves from the violent aggression of the trans community.


It’s legal for me to own a gun. It’s legal for me to walk into a bank. It’s legal for me to talk firmly to a bank teller. It’s legal to show people how cool my gun is. It’s legal to open a large empty bag and gesture meaningfully at it. It’s legal to pick up my bag and run out with it. This is just a series of separate legal events guys.


The only good reason on that chart is “Like the way it looks / Like it / Because I want to.” Mayyyybe “Collection / Collector,” but in that case you shouldn’t need ammo.

Looks like the Kyle R defense


And there it is.

Is he arguing that the US should keep mentally ill people from owning guns?

No, only those mentally ill people. The whole point of conservatism is that some people are protected by laws while other people are subjected to them.


He isn’t making any argument at all. It would be impossible to convert a transcript into a set of premises and conclusions. He’s just saying certain words with certain intonations that he knows the audience wants to hear.

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If he really wants to ban trans people from owning guns, a registry of all guns would be a good step towards that.

Trans people. Not people like this


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A post was merged into an existing topic: Unburying the Past (more bickering)

hahahahaha aw you’re cute

don’t pretend like you think these people will be intellectually consistent, they absolutely do not give a fuck about being hypocritical, it’s 100% fitting with their worldview that the natural order is for there to be an ingroup that the law protects and does not bind, and an outgroup that the law binds and does not protect.

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