‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Not as of 40 minutes ago


But the new poll’s most telling evidence came when respondents were asked if mass shootings were “unfortunately something we have to accept as part of a free society” or “something we can prevent and stop if we really tried”.

Among Democrats, 85% said mass shootings could be stopped if US politicians would only try. Among independents, the figure was 73%. Overall, it was 72%.

But 44% of Republicans said mass shootings should be accepted as part of a free society.

Wasn’t the phrase against Muslims extremists that they love death more than life?

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There was some tweet about about the shooter barricading himself in a store with hostage, but sounds like that may not be true.

Yeah but Muslims hate freedom, which means that oppress women, oppose lgbtq people, and want to make everyone worship their God and follow their one theology.

Republicans love freedom, which means that they oppress women, oppose lgbtq people, and want to make everyone worship their God and follow their one theology.


Or perhaps true, just another shooter in the Chicago burbs.

Seems pretty easy to explain to me.

“America is a country where people get shot and flee while a band plays uplifting music.”

How is it you never hear about people being armed but not dangerous?


Those are the mythical “good guys with a gun”. They don’t actually exist though.

The parents own a Deli in Highland park

Cops just named a guy, Bobby Crimo “the third”. Driving a 2010 Honda.

This might be the shooter?


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just a bunch of skater videos at first glance here, how the fuck does it end up shooting a parade?

Well one step is being allowed to buy a god damn machine gun


I guess instead of manifestos they’re making rap videos now

Yup that’s him


Of all the reasons to not get a face tattoo, trying to remain anonymous when there’s an APB out on you is probably in the top 10.

It doesn’t really matter what the guy’s specific psychopathology is. The problem with
easy access to guns is that it permits random psychopaths to act on their delusions. It’s just a matter of numbers. If every human had access to a device to destroy the world, the world would no longer exist.

What was the issue with the old white guy in Vegas again? Just didn’t like people?

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No one knows why the Vegas guy did what he did iirc

I find the individual pathology very interesting. Always have. The don’t have guns is obviously true but that horse has been pulverized at this point.

Again, just me though and totally get if people feel different

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You could always head over to r/Conservative to get some insight into the psychology.


An NBC report says Crimo was caught in WI.