New Orleans terror attack

Thompson would still be alive if he and his ilk weren’t fucking ghouls.


This seems like a baseless and craven personal attack to me (usually indicative of a weak position), but I’m not an expert at administrating or moderating this site, so I’ll just flag it and let the wise powers that be decide what to do with it. Have a good day!

As a fun thought experiment, take people like bobman here who have written at least 100 words decrying violence against 1%er people who have inflicted an untold amount of harm against people much poorer than them, usually the most vulnerable, and then compare that to the amount of words they’ve written about the number of black men shot by police for zero reason or lynched on the street in cold blood without consequence, and you’ll probably come to some decent conclusions about that person.

what a depressed loser (this post is sarcasm)

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I mean, do you even understand how undecideds are calculated? Where is your DATA coming from?