New Moderator Confirmation Votes: superuberbob, MrWookie, catfacemeowmers, Riverman, and SenorKeeed

Barring some maddening absurdity, I’m not gonna get a 2/3 majority.

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I, for one, am excited about Keed’s bar going up and up.I might actually get off my not insignificantly heavy ass and post in the non-drama forums if that happens.

@anon10396289 , what’s our first order of business? Can we ban wookie? I mean, not forever. Just maybe for a month or so, to give him some time to think about what he’s done.

I am so getting a perma once Wookie is elected, aren’t I?

Nominations that get liked by 10 people get voted on, I’m just following the rules established for mod rotation. :man_shrugging:t3:


I liked your klansky shit talking recently tbh.

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I’m a non-discriminatory troll, as Sklansky discovered to his chagrin.

Wait, is Sklansky posting here again? Wtf.

No, this was in the Trump thread over on the other site.

Was also going to add - the fact I dislike him as a person did light a little fuse that wouldn’t usually otherwise be there. FWIW, I can’t say that for anyone here - not even you!

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He’s still backing trump on Charlottesville lmao.

Skalansky has some amazing takes on how the Jews could stop Trump from becoming president through various schemes.

d2 is an okay guy, really hope he gets his drinking in check.


Never gonna happen bro, I’ve made my choices. Appreciate the concern, tho.

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choose your own adventure drama!


I appreciate that the community you personally want to build consists of nothing but milquetoast posters such as yourself who do nothing but pass a deflated ball to one another and then engage in some ceremonial high fives, but trust me when I say this, having a personality or two in the mix is not going to hurt.

I like Wookie but it’s probably not the healthiest thing for the forum for him to be a mod at the moment. Voted yes on Keed because even though he is a controversial poster I don’t expect him to be a controversial mod since he presumably plans on taking a laissez-faire approach.


This ended up being my stance as well.

But at the same time I feel current mods have done well, and if the end result of this election is having catface and riverman as mods, I like that result as well

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That is trolling.


Just skimmed this.

What’s the deal with bob?

Does he just not want to do it? If so, why is he on the poll?

Seems like a flaw in the process. Maybe somewhere in there we can ask if they’re willing to serve.

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He can always just not do his job.

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