New Moderation Policy: Posting personal information will get you permanently banned

The drama will continue until Jalfrezi is banned.

Simple as that. Boundaries and expectations are what keep a community together, and allowing him to act like this will just insure more issues.


Fine, I’ll stop replying to these asinine questions.


How do you know?

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They had a secret meeting over on nomnoms, and everyone there said they didn’t do it. Case closed.

It’d be a little more believable if you didn’t try to intimidate me by coincidentally drop my first name repeatedly the past few days. It’s not going to work. It’s plainly obvious that you’re the problem here, and your issue is that you’re worried the way you’re bullying people is going to be just a little limited.

It’s pathetic honestly. Touch grass.

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The most recent update on site funding was

We had 37 months of funding in January so assuming all Patrons stopped (they didn’t) Unstuck runs out of money in about 2.5 years.

You don’t care about this and your post was obviously running with Sabo’s false accusation that the mods and admins are trying to steal that money.

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Maybe Jal is considering forwarding his application for UP Admin?

I trust my online friends. That you don’t trust yours is simply a function of the characters of posters at Slow Pony Effluence, including yourself.

Behold, the trust:

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Are you simple?

I’ve barely chatted with CS04 so wouldn’t call him a friend.

Everyone replying to any Jal post is genuinely out of your mind. It’s the most extreme masochism I’ve ever seen and that is saying something. :grinning:


Stop harassing UP staff. This is your only warning.


UP recently voted to end votes. So it’s up to you as monarch to name a replacement.

Stop harassing UP staff. This is your only warning.

I’m not harassing anyone. Are you under the impression that we still have binding community votes? This is a genuine question.

It sucks that it’s come to this, but we’ve shown that these final warnings mean essentially nothing and that, if there is action taken, a revolt from a minority of users will lead to the action being reversed.

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Why wouldn’t we? Sabo insulted my intelligence for thinking his poll was about voting.

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I don’t believe that UP voted to end votes. As evidence, I just recently initiated a vote about whether CW should retain moderator status.

If you’re referring to the other thread, I believe that there are some actions/decisions that will never and should never be subject to a vote (e.g., whether it is allowable to post inline porn, whether to abide by the host’s terms of service). At least as long as I am the admin with my name attached to the site.

I can’t force someone else to be the admin/treasurer. If you want to identify someone or volunteer for it, that’s great!

it might be helpful to outline the specific responsibilities and all the “need to know” that would come with this, if you’re really interested in moving on (which would suck btw, imo). I’m pretty sure zik did it a while back but a quick try at the search didn’t reveal anything. would suggest putting it in the treasury thread too