National Basketball Association - 2023/24 Season

They would have easily won but he tried to get 70.

Apparently the Bucks are close to hiring Doc.

Wow! He only lasted half as long as Nate Bjorkgren. The beat reporter info dumps are going to be amazing.

The defense has gone from being one of the best in the league every year to one of the worst. Yes, part of that is going from a starting backcourt of Jrue/Grayson to Lillard/Beasley, but Griffin just could not do anything to maximize the teamā€™s talent and minimize its weaknesses on the defensive end. With Giannis and Lopez, there is no reason to be as bad as they are.

Basically, he employed an aggressive system in which they pressure the ball way out past the perimeter, designed to force turnovers. Problem is, they have the worst turnover rate in the league.

Itā€™s too wordy to explain the rest, but it all snowballs into easy shots in the lane, Lopez not able to play to his strengths (he ends up too far from the basket on an island with two offensive players), Giannis on the perimeter too much, and then terrible defensive rebounding because everyone is out of position.

Hell, the players told him after four games that Lopez needs to be in the drop.

Giannis will have Doc on a short leash. Hope he has good med mal coverage.

Adrian Griffin has been Dave Blatted.

Wtf. I thought he was a players coach. No?

Despite the record I think the players didnā€™t like his style of defense. Also, dude is a religious nut so Iā€™m not sure if that impacted players or people in the organization view of him.

Rumblings are that there was more going on than him just being a shitty game coach. With their record, it probably took a lot for the front office to can a first year coach.

Giannis hiring Doc is GM LeBron level.

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I actually donā€™t think Giannis had anything to do with the hiring (maybe the firing). Apparently, the GM had been talking to him in December about being an ā€œinformal consultant.ā€

0% chance Doc is hired without Giannis signing off.

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Just like LeBron had nothing to do with Blatt getting purged and Lue taking over.

luka has 65 points with 11 mins to go in the game

73 for Luka, fourth player in history to go for that many. Also first time ever to have two 70s within the same week, closest ever was Wilt going for 70 twice in two weeks.

yeah just watched the last ten minutesā€”seemed like luka was playing really unselfishly, kept passing out of pressure and setting teammates up with layups to ice the game, but they all kept missing

the crazy thing was at the very end of the game, trae hits a bomb to bring the hawks to within three points, there are maybe ten seconds left, mavs inbound to luka and heā€™s instantly surrounded by hawks whoā€¦donā€™t foul? Like wow do they hate getting torched for 73 so much that they would rather let the clock run out than watch Luka shoot FTs for 75??? I guess itā€™s kinda human nature but man. Maybe Iā€™m exaggerating but it felt like Luka just held the ball for at least two long seconds. I wish heā€™d held it all the way to the final horn just to force the question. (But nope, he passed out of it, again.)

I donā€™t follow hoops super closely lately and donā€™t know much about trae youngā€™s personality but I hope heā€™s a likeable stable guy, because it could be rough to watch the dude who you got swapped for on draft day go off for 73 on your home court. I think he and luka get along so thatā€™s good. But sports fans are huge weirdos so even though Trae has been like a 25 and 10 guy his whole career maybe they still think What If? I have no idea how Traeā€™s advanced stats hold up. I know Cam Reddish was the other part of that trade and he always seemed pretty polarizing

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Trae was like the worst defensive player in the league for a while. Hes slightly better now.