National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

All - this is what it looks like when someone online knows they’ve lost an argument. Just couldn’t defend Horst, Kleiman and Presti. Sad!

Bro, I have no idea who you are or why you have such a boner for me. I assume it’s because you’re a white guy from Boston? Ainge has been overrated for a decade and just got ran out of town to be replaced by another pasty white guy with no personnel experience. I’m not gonna waste my time and go line by line on your very impressive list of criticisms (i. e. trading Harden wasn’t Presti’s decision. They went after Pau and Horford, etc.) but I appreciate living in your head rent free.

Ainge > Morey would get you laughed out of any serious basketball forum / community. Morey repeatedly went for it with Harden (Howard, CP3, Russ) and had more title equity than Boston the last 5 years or so.

As I just showed you, saying “LOL Ainge” and that he’s not a great GM just got you laughed off this “serious basketball form / community.” You got clowned, don’t resort to racial comments now, take your L and learn a bit.

Lol Ainge and lol you.

Folks, this is what it looks like when Skip Bayless debates Skip Bayless.

I will say one thing about Horst: he is not afraid to fix a mistake. Some GM’s will just hang on to players and contracts out of pride or fear of admitting they made a mistake, but Horst has generally shown that if something’s not working out, he’ll do what he can to remedy the situation (though he often has to sacrifice a draft pick to do it).

His drafts have been pretty shitty, but he’s done a good job at bringing in role players to fill in around the stars.

There’s certainly no racial angle where Boston just hired it’s second white guy in a row, with no prior personnel experience, to run a league dominated by black players. Guys like Masai have to work their way up from unknown youth coach in Nigeria, to unpaid scout, to international scout, to assistant GM, to GM. Guys like Brad and Ainge get the keys to the organization handed to them without qualifications.

I forgot how insufferable Boston sports fans are JFC


I agree with some of your premise, but do you blame Ainge for Kyrie leaving? Because if Kyrie is still in Boston, they’re still in the top 3 of the East.

I blame him for getting nothing in return for Kyrie, Horford and Hayward.

The fact that the homer is trashing the DLO contract when Myers got that in return for KD leaving and turned it into another pick (and Wiggins) is laughable.

At some point, the Celtics had a reasonable expectation that they would be able to re-sign all of those players.

All that matters is the results bro. It makes for a good first take episode.

More racial commentary from jwax13 in the PMs. Classic. Jesus guy, take your L and move on.

The fact that you won’t address the racial element of this entire situation is pretty telling.

It’s ok that you’re a white guy from Boston. No need to get so defensive about it. I’m sure the Celtics will offer you the GM job in a few years when Brad doesn’t pan out.

What racial element? We’re talking about Danny Ainge’s performance in relation to his peers. You listed 10 or 11 GMs you think are “better” than him and 90% of the ones you listed are white, too!

If you want to have a separate discussion of “Should the NBA hire more minorities in positions of leadership” - yes, I absolutely agree with you. (and I don’t like the Brad Stephens hire for President / GM)

But that wasn’t the topic. You just interjected race after YOU listed 10 GMs you think are good and they’re white guys (save one).

Just take your L man, you’re embarrassing yourself, this is legit pathetic.

There’s no L to take. Ainge is still overrated and unemployed and his team is in Cancun.

People love to marvel at the genius of a golden boy like Ainge (and now Brad) when he’s just a privileged white guy who got (and lost) a job he didn’t deserve. You’re really upset that I said Ainge is closer to #10 than #1. The fact that his team just had another mediocre season and he’s out of a job isn’t the dunk you think it is.

I tried to take this to PMs because you’re big mad and making the thread unreadable, but if you’d rather flail around in public looking like a homer, go off kid.

Masai/Toronto have done really well at filling out their depth and hitting on deeper draft picks, something Boston has struggled with. Imagine if they had a guy like Boucher over paying Tristan.

If they hadn’t have played in Florida all year they make the playoffs, if they had a replacement level centre they’re the 5th seed. If they get Davion that team is better than Boston now.

You took it to PMs because I think you know once you brought up race, you looked even worse than when you said Horst was a good GM. What was that contract he offered Eric Bledsoe again?

Or when you criticized Danny Ainge for never going for it (after he traded for KG/Ray Allen/Kyrie) but sniveled that Presti “tried” to get Horford. You know who did get Horford? Danny Ainge.

You couldn’t make any basketball related points, so you resorted to race. We all see what you did.

This really is like First Take if it was Skip debating himself.

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I think Masai is a good GM. He’s easily top 10 in the league. I’d love to have him instead of Brad Stevens.

I think having 70mm+ the next three years tied up in Siakam / FVV / OG is rough and caps how good they can be. Maybe he’ll pull a rabbit out of a hat. I’d happily take Boston over Toronto next year in Total Wins.