National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Apples and oranges really, so not the greatest analogy on my part, but that’s why I specifically chose high usage RB as the example.

The players have always known there’s a problem. I remember Barkley advocating for a 60 game season 30 years ago. Just reducing the probability of serious injury is big.

There should never be back-to-back games. I’m shocked every star doesn’t sit at least one of the two every time.

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Is Trey Young Literally Jesus?

Keep it classy philly


Did they think hes Santa :santa:?

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I’m getting the ABC broadcast switching back and forth between Spanish and English feeds. Whatever, but Im still going to use this as a reason to nuke Xfinity.

I think I watched about 10 minutes total of Bucks/Heat.

Anyone want to tell me how much of this beatdown was Bucks getting revenge for last year and how much was just Bucks getting better and Heat getting worse.

Bucks could have avoided the Heat if they wanted by tanking the last game. It seems like they wanted this bad.

Heat shot terribly. I think a lot of that was Bucks revamped D, but pretty sure they were also missing lots of good looks. Bucks did seem more energetic, particularly the last two games once the Heat went down.

Most of the 10 min I saw was the end of game one. So how the rest unfolded was a bit of a surprise.

Well in game one the Heat shot well from 3 and the Bucks were 6/32 or something. The Heat couldn’t score on the inside. Just couldn’t get in the paint.

Game one they shot bad other than from 3. Being hot from 3 while Bucks cold was only thing that stopped every game from being a blowout.

As AOF mentioned, they couldn’t score inside. Lopez and GA did a good job of challenging everything and not giving any easy inside looks. Bam was pretty much a non-factor. Seemed to be settling for a lot of jumpers and fadeaways rather than trying to get to the rim.

They just sat off Bam and challenged him to shoot, so he passed. Butler is the only one who can attack on the team (I guess Dragic but that’s still not a great option). Milwaukee just has good defenders now with Jrue. I like them to beat Brooklyn.


I’d say Game 7 is pretty important.

But there are two Game 5’s tonight, so what the fuck do you know.

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But 3 + 5 > 7, stupid.

I can’t watch but judging from the LA-PHX halftime score, maybe Magic should have 3-peated that important game 5 wisdom.