National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Bc having two starting worthy bigs (esp guys in their prime) is like having two quarterbacks.

You kind of have to choose one and capitalize on the other. (With the way the game is played now.) The opportunity cost of the other options you’d receive to help the team, along with the human element of each wanting to start, forces your hand at a certain point.

Same thing happened with Nurk and Jokic. Jokic is such a team guy he volunteered to come off the bench but at a certain point it became too obvious (and Nurk isn’t dumb).

It’s different but it was a similar dynamic with Horford and Embiid where you can’t play them together (optimally, especially defensively).

Meh, i can def see that offer as being legit

Tristian Thompson to the Celtics for 2 years, 19M.

Same contract for Ibaka and the Clips.

Best deal of the offseason.

Why? I don’t get this. I don’t see how Adams and Zion fit together and what kinda of offense they are trying to run, but why the hell do you extend his contract before you even had a practice together?

I get that the Knicks are never going to sign a big time free agent. But they can’t even throw money at 2nd/3rd tier FAs now? It’s really absurd at this point, alls I wanted was one decent guard or pg.

why? They are finally doing the right thing with the complete lack of talent.

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They fit together in that one is a true 5 and the other a true 4. They don’t align in terms of playstyle, but they do positionally.

If Pels want to zag and play 90s ball for a few mins a game, they fit fine. The goal is for Zion to stretch I think, so they fit ok in that way too.

They also physically fit in the same court together, which wouldn’t have worked if they signed a Blue Whale as a C, because blue whales are really big, physically that is, and zion would have no room to stand on the court. Also the water expanses would be extremely high.


You can mock but they fit in terms of historical fit, not a lot different from Green and Wiseman.

The goal may also be to move Adams eventually, I think Griff is a bit of a donk tbh and doesn’t really see the game is the real answer.

100% better to have cap room than a 3rd rate player.

Cap room for what? They don’t sign anybody.

Non third rate players?

You can either do what OKC is now and take bad contracts for picks, or try to get an actual good player later.

This is also a sick post considering this a few posts ups:

You’re honestly a dick and between you and a few others I’m about done here.

I know you don’t care but I’m seriously tired of this shit.

What? It was a joke. You added the zag part after I wrote it, your initial post was just about positions which I thought was funny because I was clearly talking about the type of basketball they want to play.

Lighten up, when the fuck was I a dick to anyone?

You were a dick to me from the draft (which I only started to try to help the community) on.

You can deny it but we both know you don’t like me.

Err, they’re like 0-128 in getting actual good players, and they can’t draft for shit either apparently, I’m willing to settle for a ceiling of 40 wins and a shot to make the first round with some 2nd or 3rd tier talent on 3 or 4 year deals.

The only time we had any altercation in the draft was when I thought you were explaining obvious shit to me instead of having a conversation (which is kinda what you did with the post i was replying to before editing it, although I took it with humor this time instead of getting pissed).
I honestly have nothing against you and never even considered not liking you. I loved the draft idea and was pretty into it.

Posted in the mod forum if you’re interested.

It’s a me thing. I’m sensitive but opinionated. I’m going to take a step back and I apologize if I misconstrued you.

Meh. You do you. I wrote a harmless joke that I found funny and wasn’t insulting in any way. You called me a dick twice. I rather you stay and chat as you know shit and I like talking to you, but you can also fuck off with this melodrama.

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