National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Patrick Williams is legit afraid of heights; the Bulls were trying to get him to ride a roller coaster

(roller coaster = THE RAGING BULL at Great America in Illinois)

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Is anyone else amused that Kylie plays for Brooklyn and 25% of the people who live in Brooklyn are Jewish?

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If they sign udoka they are obligated to sign josh primo after



Lol Mark Jackson

And there it is

They are trying to tamp out the fire thatā€™s burning the place down and someone backs up a gasoline tanker and starts unloadingā€¦.

So does he just start coaching again immediately? Iā€™m confused, was his suspension team initiated or league initiated?

It was a team suspension. It had been reported previously that the team would not stand in the way of him going to another team.

Good question. Team suspended him so he could start coaching right away. Also Boston says they will not require any compensation for him to go there.

And coaching immediately? Weird. Cool culture.

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Maybe they can convince Louis Farrakhan to come on board as a special advisor on anti-semitism.

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They just wanted him gone. They donā€™t care if he coaches elsewhere. And they donā€™t have to pay him the rest of his contract once his suspension is up and they fire him.

Yeah I meant more the NBA than the Nets. I can understand them wanting him to gtfo.

Back on Primo, I have a question. I am arguing with someone about it.

Apparently he exposed himself to the team psychologist. My position is that at must have at least been conflicting to her to report this or not. I am being met with ā€œrofl no instant reportā€.

There was a reddit post someone sent me prior to the story getting published that primo also exposed himself to some hotel maids. No idea if true but also cant imagine it not being a repeated offense

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Whatā€™s the case for not reporting?

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SportsCenter shared a post on Instagram: "Luka is cold for this šŸ„¶
(via @dallasmavs)". Follow their account to see 42785 posts.

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