National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

How are the strip clubs in Philly?

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Oh cool. So glad game 1 is already refball.

Better than OKC, not as good as Houston

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“He does what he wants to do” is the best Reggie can do to defend RWB after he picks up a T for fouling the inbounder after he made a layup

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I’m glad we have an authority on the subject here ;)

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My first reaction was like, “Wait a second, how the f*** would you know?” But then I realized it should be obvious to anyone given the two cities in question.

I’ve been to clubs in Philly and Houston… Was just kinda going with a soul read on OKC.


Lakers bench is such trash


I dont play h2h. Any format that doesnt have a game cap is stupid.

Biggest takeaway from the Cs-6ers game was that my husky son Grant Williams did a credible job against Embiid, even with the refs giving some, ahem, Embiid calls.

Temper that with only 1 rebound in 24 minutes, which is a bit of a yikes. But if he can credibly defend Embiid, then he’ll be fine against most other centers in Time Lord’s absence. And Grant will be paaiiiiid. I guessed during the postseason he was going to get 4 for 60mm, then he had a clunker of a finals. Seems like the Celtics never offered that, but if he can defend 5s a little, and shoots 40% on 3s again, he’s going to get that in RFA. Winning with Horford only having to play 23 minutes is terrific.

Maxey is terrifying.

Credit to the Rights to Ricky Sanchez Podcast, I always go there for Sixers schadenfreude, they opened the show: “It almost seems as if any beginning or end of the season pod we ever do… this is the podcast we’re doing where Celtics fans listen to us being negative about the Sixers. So I’d like to welcome Celtics fans.” (greatest podcast opening theme song)


The obvious best part is the shimmy before the brick, but what I love is how everyone was like “WHOA! HARDEN BROKE SMART’S ANKLES!” when all it was was Smart extreme flopping, as he always does.

It doesn’t get better than this.


I’m going to the opener tonight. I’ll be sure to let Mathurin know all of UP is behind him.

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This makes less than zero sense, or does it?

I saw a tweet that Pippen, Jordan and Rodman (in that order!) are all top 10 selling jerseys at Lids. Pippen was #1!

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Ben Math has 12 points in like 5 minutes. I’m all in.


bendonedict enter-your-team-here Mathurin

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I wouldn’t be 100% shocked if Minnesota and NO both had home court.

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