National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

It was tongue-in-cheek. You’re fine.

It’s 2020 and Rondo and Howard are making major contributions in the conference finals

Howard is a little less surprising as he’s probably thinking this is is best shot to 'ship. That kind of motivation has been known to cause players to WIM themselves up a few levels.

Rondo has already experienced a 'ship, so he can’t feel quite the same motivation. But whatever the reason, he certainly looks more than adequate out there.

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If I knew we had this Rondo, I wouldn’t have even been worried about the Clippers.

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Jumping to the other extreme. Is AD going to win Finals MVP over LeBron?

Nuggets are a nice story, but this is what happens when they don’t play a team of complete chokers

still an entertaining game for a blowout. Howard was awesome. blocks and dunks and 'tude

Howard is still an elite garbage man. Daddy is keeping him in line

Looking forward to seeing Boston blow this one too.

Guess the plan was to get to a 20 point lead with 7 minutes left, where even that was too hard to blow, even though they tried

2 Techs on the Lakers can’t wait to read about how much the refs favor them


LeBron has been fucking awful

This game shouldnt have even been close

Stop shooting 3’s omfg

Like 2011 Finals bad from LeBron

Lakers didn’t deserve that at all, but I’ll take it.

Should have posted up like a man :smirk:



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LOL they finally got a 3


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