National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

I rewatched it, they win it for sure. Grant’s hand came off him well before Payton started falling. Worst case it’s a floor foul.

I might give the defender a break for going under the screen when the other team is like 0/12 from 3

I saw the main foul as Payton’s left leg getting kicked so that it came forward behind his right, causing him to fall.

That should have been a challenge. It’s a fukkin dumbass rule . U should be able to challenge til u lose one.

lol Tatum. Way to go man

I do believe that the orange spheres tell no falsehoods.

We’re going to regress to the mean on threes and still lose by double digits because we’re getting absolutely rolled on every other possession

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Now that was obviously a foul. That wasn’t the ball, Tatum just can’t shoot free throws

I missed that Why was still discussing the GPII foul in my haste to mock Tatum.

Celtic’s fans are ripping Tater on S/M.

There was no leg contact. The only touch from Williams was on his back. He removed his hand then Payton spazzed himself to the floor.

And again, worst case it’s a floor foul. He wasn’t shooting.

I want to be clear - I’m not criticizing the refs. Im sure they missed one for the Celtics tonight. I’m criticizing NBA coaches always waiting for the perfect 4th Q call to challenge that rarely comes. I don’t think Udoka has won a challenge since the Brooklyn series. Way smarter to just use it, especially in a 1st Q like tonight when you’re getting buried

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Yeah, he’s been great these playoffs people here and everywhere else have called him a top 5 guy but he’s still miles behind Steph, even during a game where he is outplaying him

At least one per half, and another in OT.

The Celtics bench scored a single point in the first half. Good luck winning with that.

How does a team play so lethargic and unengaged? Are they really not giving a maximum effort? Strippers n blow ala Lawrence Taylor the night b4 an away game, paid for by the opposing teams players?

Guess they took some coke at halftime because they are awake right now

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The Hair of the Dog Halftime game

The 3rd Q regression is real


You take pills and do coke lol.

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