National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

Do you ever not drop the cheapest race card available?

I do not. Ever not.

They were both transcendent shooters that changed the game and both, ironically, made huge contributions that werenā€™t flashy at all.

That you somehow have reduced the conversation to it solely being about Birdā€™s color says way more about you than anything else.

LOL at the idea that Bird would somehow not translate to todayā€™s game.

Itā€™s just a joke. I love Bird. I love Steph. And I love you too.

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A modern day Larry Bird would be a better player than Jokic.

Possibly. Bird had a real creative genius game to his game that would lead you to believe that he could have played in many different eras.

Man Iā€™m sorry. Iā€™m the worst at being serious at the wrong times.

You actually got me really thinking about it and watching some old basketball videos lol.

No problem, I like to joke by being silly and it totally blows up in my face once in a while. Not your fault at all!

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Do you guys think Curry just having really bad variance this season or what? Having his worst season ever by far. Has the defense figured out how to contain him? I mean last year the team was way worse and he was constantly doubled and had his best individual season ever.

I would think shooters would age better than any other type of player. Seems like it would be such a massive drop off from last year if its age decline.

I need more Steph going nuclear

Ja Morant was absolutely fucking insane tonight. Give him a 40% 3P shot and he would be completely unstoppable.

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Buddy was at the game. Jealous.

Think Steph has just been carrying them too long.

Hey, if you never get put on a poster, it means you never played defense.

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That Michael Jordan guy ended up still having an ok career after getting posterized by John Starks.

Ja is the most fun player in the league AINEC.

I donā€™t get excited by dunks.

Honestly dunks arenā€™t my favorite but smaller guys like ja going in is different.

I still prefer insane shots and impressive handles plus amazing lay ups but ja yamming it on a dude thatā€™s over 7 feet is wild as fuck

Warriors looking like shit again tonight with more bad shooting from curry.

Dray has always been super important and we will be better when heā€™s back but still definitely not looking like contenders anymore.

Weird we went on a 9-0 even with him out but have been terrible ever since

Dude is going to be a mega star if he keeps it up.

If he can get his 3p% up he will be unstoppable.

He also has the athletic ability to play good defense but needs to gain more bbq iq and effort.

Definitely could be the best player in the league in a clue years though

It also helps that he is absolutely fearless. I hope Memphis makes a huge playoff run this year.

They have 3 1st rd picks next year. Absolutely should try to trade that for another star.
3 1sts and Bane for Beal.