National Basketball Association - 2022/23 Season (Part 1)

You’d think the level of discourse as it relates to sporting events would be higher than at 2p2.

You’d be incorrect.

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It is when you have KD shooting 10/19 and (3/6 on 3s). Seems pretty damn indefensible to take more shots than perhaps the most efficient scorer ever.

I mean, when someone’s big dunk for Harden shitting his pants against a 46 year old Manu and no Kawhi is LOL RUSS WENT 7/21 WITH 7 BOARDS AND 13 ASSISTS WITH 3 TOs IN GOLDEN STATE AGAINST A 73 WIN TEAM…

It makes me question what reality you guys live in. I get it. People love Harden and hate Russ. But it doesn’t mean you have a clue what you’re talking about.

I love both, but lol at people loving Harden. He’s easily one of the most undeservedly hated players, along with Russ.

Now do KD’s game 6 line.

Russ G7 > Harden’s G6. Thanks for playing though.

I hope no one from the Athletic chimes in with “I guess I’m stupid and don’t watch basketball”

Moving back to basketball, the first issue is definitional: What does it mean to be clutch? Presumably, helping a team win close games is a major indicator of “clutchness.” Here is where we run into our first big problem. Studies going back more than a decade have found little in the way of evidence suggesting teams have any special ability, or lack thereof, to win close games. Close games aren’t exactly coin flips. In this study, better teams win in clutch situations more frequently than worse teams. However, they win them at lower rates than “non-clutch” games.

If you have more objectively wrong examples you can point to, let me know.

This thread has more AIDs than Magic.


I’ve tried to keep it in like actual discussion over sports concepts. While I have a tendency to aids things up, I hope it’s not the case.

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Its ok. Basically any sports thread that gets into an emotionally changed BUT IS ATHLETE X CLUTCH conversation is guaranteed to go sideways.

I solve this by saying mostly all of them are and aren’t and it’s very entertaining to watch them do their job and I enjoy them all when they don’t rape woman.

I mean, FCP pasted a Reddit post that has a pretty detailed account of Harden being junk in the playoffs. Then @Aofrantic and @Yuv made fun of him with zero actual refutations or numbers. Just

Thread piles on (with no substance posted). I post clips and stats of the worst game I’ve ever seen in my life. @JonnyA chimes in with an objectively wrong counter, and here we are.


I didn’t post any substance? Nice conversation.

You piled on FCP with literally no substance, then posted some Kobe clutch stuff. Seems not pertinent. Ok really done now.

None of these players these days are as good as Bill Laimbeer anyway.


I didn’t realize that only serious fans could post opinions in this thread. I watch probably 80% of playoff games, but only the random regular season game - hence a semi-casual fan.

But this does remind me why I barely post here now, so happy to go back to being a semi-active UP user as I’m probably more happy that way.

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Dude every argument you get into the other side is the devil. I disagree with you that Chris Paul and James Harden are pathetic poop defecating losers and for some reason that makes me an asshole?

You went 5 times into “i guess i’m stupid and don’t watch basketball”, when like you are the only one who kept saying it to other people, including that reply to Jonny.

You are arguing a point that tons of serious analytic study claim is completely false. The substance you put up is showing again and again the bad playoff moments of player XYZ which is exactly the point of why this sort of argument is wrong.

And if we’re doing this casual/serious fan shit, i will bet my net worth that I watched more NBA games than you. It doesn’t make me right or wrong. Everyone here are pretty intelligent and watched a lot of basketball.


Choking is super real though as I posted before. There are quite a few papers just on NBA choking alone. So the only tenable positions would be that choking is real but is uniformly distributed among players or that choking is real but we can’t actually detect specific choking/chokers. The fact that we know it’s caused by actual changes in brain activity and can be attenuated with CBT gives us good reason to believe it wouldn’t be uniformly distributed. The second position (can’t detect specific instances/players) is debatable but I doubt you are going to convince many people that it’s just anecdotal if dudes are getting the yips in high pressure situations.

Sian Beilock, a University of Chicago psychologist and author of Choke , has dedicated her career to studying epic screw-ups. “Choking isn’t just poor performance. It is worse performance than you are capable of precisely because there is a lot on the line.”

Skilled athletes use streamlined brain circuitry that largely bypasses the prefrontal cortex, the seat of awareness. When outside stresses shift attention, “the prefrontal cortex stops working the way it should,” she says. “We focus on aspects of what we are doing that should be out of consciousness.”

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Did I say a single offensive/personal thing to you in this discussion?