Moving the Biden Administration left

You spelled money wrong.

No idea why you guys coddle a guy who continues to lie that his detractors are doing nothing for the cause when he gets a little sad

Do not speak to or about your fellow posters like this when posting on this forum.


All of these took countless millions of dollars. None of what you in your OP can compete with the power of deep pockets.

I’ve never said anything even remotely like people here do nothing for the cause. Nice try though. I did once question your actual direct action, a position I firmly standby.

You did say this. And you seem to regard Watevs as one of “them”.

I did and I do. I in no way suggested that was everyone here. In fact I made it clear they are rare.


You keep talking about people in general who you think are attacking you. I bet there are at least a dozen people on the forum who think you are talking about them and that perhaps you only want to name the most obvious example(s).

People are constantly attacking him.


Keeed trolled him (hardly a leftist attacking him for being a centrist) and the ONE guy he mentions, watevs attacked him, and this thread is all about …that ?

I’m not sure that’s his fault that that’s what the thread is about. Keeed trolled him in the 2nd post itt and then whatevs post was in the first handful and plenty of other people seemed to want to respond after those posts and here we are.

Maybe question the people taking the thread in a different direction than his purpose for posting it?

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Ok let’s assume this is true. I don’t think it is based on recent dem fundraising but let’s assume it is.

What is the plan? Are we just throwing our hands in the air and giving up?

I dont care where you are on the political spectrum but i dont like the above. It feels like you are trying to stifle criticism of Biden on the site. I also think you over estimate how much of an echo chamber this place is. People argue about policy all the time.


I am absolutely not trying to stop critiques of Biden. I sometimes argue against stupid ones like those posting at 12:45 on noon Wednesday he hadn’t solved every problem. That’s not the same thing. I posted a critique myself just yesterday about his using ex military people to lead the military.

My point is we need to focus our energy outside UP to get the effect we want.

As for this place being an echo chamber I don’t know what to say. We are the very definition of an echo chamber. The 100 or so regular posters here represent the extreme left of the political spectrum. We don’t have a single poster who could be accurately described as a centrist let alone a single poster from the right.

It feels like that is what you are doing sometimes. Think this all kicked up because of Biden’s immigration policy and his executive orders. Orders which should get criticism even if its in the first few hours of his Presidency.

This is kind of what i mean. The above comes across as you not wanting criticism here.

And people can do both anyway. They can let off steam here and do stuff on the outside. Even if someone just critically posts here the argument should not be to stop the criticisms here, it should be they should expand it.

Yeah i dont agree. People argue policy all the time on all kind of subjects. Like i dont like M4A. It would not end the insurance companies racket which needs to be ended.


This. The accusations that people are mad at Biden for not solving all the problems on the first day might be cute sarcasm and a little light trolling, but they are certainly not both in good faith and intelligent.

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Well they are no less intelligent than the posts complaining about all the things that had not yet changed by the end of Biden’s first day. Which are the posts that actually prompted those replies. And probably equal as far as good faith.

You mean PC’s posts about the protests in police? You don’t think those are in good faith?

I know there was plenty of talk about “wait until Biden is in office and then push him”. That wasn’t entirely my theory, but I do believe protest and complaint right now on day one is more important than it was during an administration where no one even hoped they would listen.

As far as whether or not Biden is at fault for how law enforcement is responding to protests on the other side of the country at the end of his first day in office, yes.

People going to the ‘first day’ well need to be dropping estimates of how many days it’s going to take imo.