MOVIES AND TV: Could It Be Made Today?

Krippendorf’s Tribe

Trading Places is fine, imo. If I had seen it more recently, I’d die on that hill, but maybe there is something I forgot.

What’s bad besides the blackface?

Holy shit! I hadn’t thought of this movie in forever.

Yep not a single scene is redeemable.

My favorite exchange:

“Auntie Vera, I don’t think I fit in around here.”
“Oh. Brantley, you fit in juuuust fine.”

That might have been ahead of its time. IIRC, she was aunt by marriage. Husband was cheating on her. They didn’t know when the relationship started. Seems like that would not really be problematic today.

Wait, WAT?

I watched a good bit of this show and I don’t remember those parts. What did he do?

It was Meg Whitton. I’ll allow it.

Birth of a Nation

his whole character was tricking, lying and gaslighting women into sex.

What’s the worst example that you can recall? It’s not that memorable a show for me.

There are numerous scenes where he shows the gang videos of him having sex with women without them knowing they are filmed.

As well as many occausions where he is trying to score with drunk/passed out women.


Thanks. OK, I’m convinced. Didn’t remember the videotaping thing.

This is the least fun thread in UP history.


What about movies you were in?

All wholesome Christian family values.



Should movie and TV creators avoid being problematic? The premise of this thread assumes they should, but maybe that shouldn’t be a hard-and-fast rule.

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It depends. Obviously lots of great films have terrible characters. This thread is about ones who are portrayed as good guys still or where the problematic behaviour is just treated as normal.

Nobody it advocating ending bad guys or even anti hero’s.

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Normal people engage in problematic behavior. Why would I want to watch movies where they good guys are either unrealistically virtuous or on redemption arcs atoning for problematic behavior?

No, they should do what they want and let history judge. This is really about whether major studios would release these in the same form today.