MOVIES AND TV: Could It Be Made Today?

90s American Pie with secretly broadcasting a nude minor to the whole school.

The entire plot of Ace Ventura.

Really every LGBTQAI+ character in every movie pre like 2000.

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Miracle on 34th Street because of the war on Christmas


I guess you could shoot a movie about Trump rallies as a remake of Leni Riefenstahl’s “Triumph of the Will” that would be well-received in MAGA circles.

I think he changes. He opens up and shares his vulnerabilities and then takes the blame for the entire group since he has no future. He also forms a semi-friendship with the nerd (at least to the point he treat him as a person).

It might not be enough to deserve full redemption and the final shot, but it’s better than Revenge of the Nerds where the lesson is rape (so long as your good at sex) and sexual assault (or whatever the pantry raid is) are how you become cool.

The Sheedy plot arc on the other hand is basically be normal and wear make-up and boys will like you. No redeeming qualities but pretty standard even today in a rom-com.

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The Birth of a Nation due to CRT

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Poor Things couldn’t be made today. A woman with the brain of a toddler having full on sex with mark ruffalo for like 15 straight minutes? I don’t think so


A lot of that is due to how wildly anachronistic it is to today’s audiences. It was a wild watch when I worked on it.


Thank you for your service, sir.


I was thinking kiss fixes that too. Part of what makes Hughes movies so good is the characters feel real. He just often redeems the wrong one or the protagonist takes the wrong message at the end. That’s why they’re thought of in a larger scale as problematic.

One of the best lines in Bueller is a clap back to Bueller’s stereotypical question. And he paid a ‘fortune’ in the movie for that mistake.

It makes for a well rounded perspective of reality as long as the person doing the behavior isnt rewarded for it instead of it being a comeuppance or shown why a behavior is so problematic.

I think his change is minimal but his utility as the anti-hero is that he improved everyone around him, while becoming a slightly better person. ‘Getting the girl’ is a huge problem at the end tho.

The ugly duckling thing with Sheedy sux because everyone else is told to be themselves to better and she’s told to change from being herself. She didnt give a s*it and it was their goal to change her. Thats insanely problematic to me.

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I did a few things for the 4k Blu-ray and Jerry Zucker called me when I was on the toilet.

Only my wife has previously known that anecdote.


I know you’re joking but there was no independent film system of note in those eras. So the question is if a major studio would still make films like those today. X-rated movies have been around forever.

This the Blazing Saddles thread.


I dont know if Crocodile Dundee made today. It would have to be very different, so many of the jokes were just terrible. The basic premise seems closely tied to them, so it’s not clear. And the fish out of water goes to NYC feels done. …

The Secret of My Success. … Michael J Fox has sex w his aunt?

Porky’s has no shot in 2024.

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I just listened to the classic “How Did This Get Made” episode about this one, but if you haven’t seen or don’t remember the Rodney Dangerfield vehicle “Ladybugs”, that one is high on the list of most disturbing movies from the not-so-distant past.

I don’t really remember “Just One of the Guys” but my assumption is that it’s 100% cringe

I don’t think they were blood related

Yeah his uncle was blood related and she was married to him?

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Barney Stinson is a full time rapist.