Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

This is the first movie I can clearly remember seeing and I rewatch it every few years. Probably a top 25 film for me. I have literally failed to make it through half of any of the Avengers/Marvel movies, utterly worthless imo. Boggles the mind that nobody can make anything like this anymore.

Yeah Robbins didn’t go to actually watch the movie. But he was at least familiar with it, unlike some other people Robbins worked with (I believe Harry Hamilin, the up-and-comer) who didn’t know anything about classic movies.

Robbins was basically supposed to be the writer-friendly movie executive who made real movies of substance. But of course in the end it’s all BS.

I feel the same about the Avengers movies. But I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy, which is very much in the spirit of Flash Gordon.

So is Chronicles of Riddick, which I consider a superhero/sci-fi mashup, is one of my favorite movies. It’s so inventive and so well done. I think it gets a bad rap because all the sci-fi nerds went to the theater expecting to see Pitch Black II, and were disappointed. I actually saw CoR first, which is maybe why I like it so much.

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I liked Riddick as a character and enjoyed all three movies

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I was the opposite, saw and enjoyes Pitch Black first, wasnt a huge fan of CoR

I enjoyed those as well as The Last Witch Hunter. Never seen Diesel’s other franchise XxX tho.

Anyone see Godzilla Minus One? Thoughts?

Yes, it was really good. Godzilla wrecked shit in epic fashion and the human drama was also mixed in well. I’d recommend seeing it somewhere with good sound like Dolby or iMax


It’s great and well worth your while. In the running for best action movie of the year.

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This was No. 1 on WaPo’s best of year list. Looks pretty funny to me.

List here:


Looks good. Like a self aware Being There.

I tried watching the trailer for Poor Things again and my god does this look fking terrible. I am ready to be surprised.

I was hooked from the moment I saw the trailer. It does a good job capturing the tone of the film so you might want to skip it.

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I can’t help myself. I’m going to give it a shot anyway sometime. I’ll just count myself among the unlucky few if the experience of the movie doesn’t satisfy.

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It’s really strong, and if you like the trailer you’ll almost certainly like the movie. #1 movie of the year seems pretty overboard, but I will say it had one scene that was the single funniest scene I saw in a movie all year.

Reading this is the first time I’ve actually felt distressed about whether the movie would actually be good. But like Risky, I’m not skipping it.

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How have you seen it? Doesn’t look like it’s out yet. Are you “in the loop” or did it stream on a service?

AMC Screen Unseen. They’ve started doing once-monthly mystery movies that haven’t been released into theaters yet. $5 tickets (if you’re not on A-List) and you get whatever you get. They do give the MPAA rating and approximate runtime.

Happening again this coming Monday.


I wish I lived near an AMC, would love to go aee a Dolby as well, but thats only at AMC

I believe Regal does a matching promo with a matching movie and that they run at the same time, if that’s of assistance.