Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)




Iā€™m only excited if you get asked back to reprise your background character.

+1 this is great

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No William Zabka?


Also yes, we demand the continuing story of car buying dad #2!

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I like to think that I was in the foreground that day.

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Gonna have to check this out just to his thoughts on Port Of Call.


Huge bombshell in the horror world today.

Awe man she was great in Vida

They say at the end that Susan Sarandon was dropped from her agency. Big news there too.

IIRC Radio Silence wasnā€™t on Scream VII because they are the folks on the newest Final Destination. May have dodged their movie getting hung.

Yeah, I cant imagine the cast doesnt stand with her, which essentially makes Scream VII dead in the water.

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Napoleon delivers IMO. Wasnā€™t too sure how much I wanted to go to this one - a long movie with a military focus is too frequently not my idea of a great time - but Iā€™m glad now that I did. Was engaging throughout, easily justified its runtime, and as you can always readily assume in a movie starring Joaquin Phoenix, the acting was on point (Vanessa Kirby was really good too). If a four-hour Ridley Scott directors cut is actually coming to Apple TV+ one day, I expect Iā€™ll watch it.

3.5/5, and if anything I could see my rating going up.


Is the color as shitty as every preview makes it look?

Considering lots of the movie takes place in Mexico, I would assume so.


Was Bottoms an elaborate 90 min setup for a ā€œdeez nutsā€ joke ? lol

I enjoyed it bc most of the cast was great and the plot managed to get crazy enough at times, but it still feels like something is missing to put it to the level of the great teen movies of the 90ā€™s / 00ā€™s (might just be that Iā€™m getting old and out of touch)

(also I almost turned it off after 5 mins bc the opening was really cringe/unfunny, but Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t, it really gets much better as it goes on)


I had no complaints with how it looked. Having listened to a few YT reviews last night and this morning (of mixed reaction; some liked it and some didnā€™t), I grant the criticism I heard that it all felt pretty truncated, that they were trying to jam a significant life story into a single movie and that it necessarily time-jumped from one big thing to the next. As someone who is not especially knowledge in Napoleonā€™s history, I was okay with the fast-food nature of the historical timeline. At the same time, the occasional lack of details in between some events is why Iā€™m fairly bullish on the four-hour cut actually being an improvement on the theatrical release.

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Man, 12 Angry Men may be the most rewatchable movie of all time.


The review I read was pretty scathing, essentially implying that the movie was battle porn with no real insight into Napoleon, aside from the sexual kinks.

As a person for whom battle porn is REALLY not a draw, I didnā€™t see it that way.