Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I dont tend to use famous people when visualizing stories, but my visualization would have been much closer to Odenkirk than Franco. He would have been a great casting for that series

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Well if youre never gonna watch the Room you can always watch Franco AS Weiseau in The Disaster Artist.

I 100% am in solidarity with you about James Franco. His only saving grace is that I saw Rise before the MeToo stuff came out. I canā€™t quibble with your perception of him as an actor. I can only argue for the quality of some of the stuff he was in where the quality has nothing to do with him.

Same thing happened for 11.22.63. And that is a goddamn shame, because itā€™s one of the best adaptations of Kingā€™s work.

Same with the otherwise excellent movie 127 Hours, tho you could say watching that one is worth it to see him saw his own arm off in a scene thatā€™s somehow more graphic than the guy cutting his foot off in Saw.

Yeah, totally hit or miss as to how or even if I visualize characters. Itā€™s mostly a Jeff Garlin ā€œshe popped in! I couldnā€™t believe it!ā€ situation. But with Odenkirk having the clear talent of a leading man without necessarily the aesthetics for every role, Iā€™m guessing my brain just searches for excuses to give him major parts wherever it can.


Oh man, good call. They could still cast him in a feature film adaptation! I donā€™t care if heā€™s 80 before it happens. Give this man the roles we need him to play (so we can forget the prior adaptations).

Its hard for me to say he doesnt have the aesthetics for almost any role after seeing him in Nobody. I dont know who first thought ā€œWe need an unstoppable killing machine fighter, I know! Bob Odenkirk!ā€ But damned if that guy wasnt right.

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Is this actually fun to watch?? Either version. I tried the trailers and it looks like my eyes would rip themselves from my sockets due to constantly switching between boredom and befuddlement.

I think that perception of him is why the movie played so well. Such a great experience when he gets his History of Violence moment.

Gotta be square in the law of diminishing returns tho after pulling the trick once.

Its nowhere near as good as The Room itself, but there are some surprisingly heartfelt moments, and Dave plays a surprisingly good Greg.

Also one of the few Nathan Fielder movie credits, so thats fun

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Yeah, Id see a sequel, but I really dont want to see ā€œA Good Day to be Nobodyā€

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Nobody totally worked, but thatā€™s a pretty narrow premise he was perfect for and that you canā€™t really do a ton of times successfully IMO. It loses steam quickly after you stop going ā€œwhoa WTF, Bob Odenkirk as an action star?ā€

That said, arguing against myself a bit: he was a believable romantic partner for Rhea Seehorn (albeit in a setting where being with him was kind of a perpetual act of self-sabotage), so I perhaps Iā€™m selling him short in terms of attractiveness in romantic subplots.

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It took a while though. I didnt immediately buy into one of the most beautiful women on the planet being into Saul freaking Goodman right away

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Lol! I was thinking more like that string of action movies Liam Neeson owned for a decade after Taken. So many older leading men try to repeat the same thing.

I think that was another aspect that made Nobody feel so blindsiding. Itā€™s not that we couldnā€™t consider Bob Odenkirk as a possible action star, itā€™s that we didnā€™t even realize we were being asked the question until heā€™d already mowed through a dozen people.

Letā€™s not forget he was also married to Laura Dern in Little Women (Iā€™m only putting this together from Chesspainā€™s post now).

EDIT: he was also a single-episode Elaine boyfriend on Seinfeld.

At first I thought you were talking about the time he beat the shit out of a Vietnamese dude and not a movie.

With Marky Mark you get your pick of atrocities. His Wikipedia page has a whole section on racially motivated attacks. Good Vibrations!

Huh. I knew nothing of any of that. Was definitely an interesting scroll of Wikipedia. Glad to have had zero investment in him to begin with since Iā€™ve never been impressed with his acting.

Re: the Halloween series, does anyone here know if the some of the lesser known ones (i.e. between H4 (1988) and Halloween Resurrection (2002)) are worth watching ?

Iā€™m a (huge) fan of the original, and have liked most of the others Iā€™ve seen, so Iā€™d be happy to spend more time with Michael Myers, Iā€™m just a bit worried that if the movies are too bad this will forever diminish him in my eyes (which ā€œHalloween killsā€ almost did).


Halloween 4 is great. The mask sucks but if you can get past that the opening credits are awesome and itā€™s a nice return to form.

5 sucks

6 is ok imo (Paul Rudd is in this as Tommy Doyle!) but unfortunately youā€™ll have to watch 5 for 6 to make sense

H20 is worth it, especially for fans of the original. Crazy that more times has passed since H20 (25 years) than had passed since the original when H20 was released.

Resurrection is awful


I like how H20 led the charge by ignoring everything but the first two movies.

Oliver Harper has a wonderful retrospective on part 1 and the rest of the franchise (released 5 years ago). At 13:30, he discusses the sequels and H20.