Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I took my 6yo to see the Paw Patrol movie last we, which is obviously not good, but I found it funny to think how in his eyes it’s basically indistinguishable from something like Avatar quality-wise.

And you’re saying that for you even a simple Google search does the job ? Interesting :grin:

(This is the wrongest take ever btw lol, if there’s one movie whose experience is not reducible into words, it’s definitely Avatar)

A girl likes what a girl likes :grin:

I accept others have a different experience than me when watching Avatar or Paw Patrol. I stand by my explanation for why Avatar is not a good test for whether someone would enjoy Spider-Verse. I’m okay if you don’t find my explanation persuasive.

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I wonder if that’s how “The Other Guys” got its name

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Wasted a perfect opportunity to go for “Cube Squared.”


Mean Girls sequel as a Wal-Mart commercial proves the Legasequel Theorem that there’s no point in making a full feature film sequel if you’d get the same depth and quality from a perfectly executed commercial of the same IP.

+1, Pulse is incredible


3 Cube 3 Furious


Death Cab for Cubie


Barbarian was a very good Halloween horror movie.

My main disappointment: The title, which gave me high hopes of having a shirtless guy with a sword somewhere in the movie, and it never delivered on that promise.

In all seriousness, though, I appreciated that it cribbed a couple themes from Psycho, namely, completely shattering what you thought was the central premise of the movie 1/3 of the way through, and then spending the second 2/3s wrestling with some really uncomfortable mommy issues. I was watching this on a shared Hulu account, and I guess my bro didn’t spring for the ad-free version, so there were occasional commercial interruptions. When the first guy got whacked, followed by a cut to black, and then a guy driving in a convertible, I was sure we’d gone to a commercial and that I was not just looking at a whole new character for the movie. Psycho didn’t really have the effect on me that it would have had on its original audience even on first watch, as the shower scene is so frequently referenced elsewhere that I knew what was coming. It was nice to experience something akin to that.

The worst part was probably the wholly unnecessary trip to the night club to establish nothing else but that AJ was indeed, most definitely, we-need-to-make-sure-you-don’t-miss-it a rapist. C’mon. It’d been well set up by that point even without the extra reminder.

Tess does make some obviously bad decisions, but it’s a rare horror movie where the characters actually play their cards right and yet still end up in a horrific spot. So, I’ll give it some leniency here, and I’ll even grant that watching an obviously bad decision get made builds tension.

Thanks for the recommendation. Much better movie than Hereditary.



When watching, did you assume that the guy in the first third was the main baddie of some sort? I went in comoletely blind and the entire first third really had me on the edge of my seat.

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I was uncertain. I was speculating that we’d get a shirtless guy with a sword to appear, somehow (out of the basement, knocking on the front door, out of a portal from hell, I dunno), and then we’d find out if the first guy was there to help Tess against the sword guy, or if the sword guy was there to help Tess against the first guy. So, I was pretty far off base with my speculation. But even being quite wrong about why the title was Barbarian, I would have figured the first guy would stick around for a while either as the reliable helper (who might not make it all the way but would be around at least up until the climax, where he might finally get whacked) or as the central villain.

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Wonderful and thanks for sharing that Psycho reference.

The studio went one step further and released this as a trailer. Talk about misdirection!!!


If you are interested in a movie with a similar setup and sequence of reveals, check out Winona Ryder in Gone in the Night.

Upon arriving at a remote cabin for a getaway, a woman and her boyfriend discover another couple already staying there. They decide to share the rental for the night, but the boyfriend’s disappearance sparks a race for answers.

I’d skip the trailer for this one.

I promise you will have no fucking idea what’s really going on until it all comes together.

lol, I’m almost disappointed that trailer showed as much as it did at the end. I was hoping it’d be fully like this:


Hey that’s a great recut trailer.

I also love this one.

I think they had to sort of cover their asses with a tiny reveal at the end of the Justin Long trailer. It would have been disastrous if like 20% of the audience showed up thinking it would be a comedy.

Though I selfishly would have relished the headlines!


That smash cut was favourite moment in a film last year!

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Closing Halloween season by watching the Blair Witch project for the first time

I liked the idea and general look but would have appreciated a bit more visuals…

Maybe at least one jump scare ? or even just a blurry shape moving in the background ?
(I really hoped we’d get a glimpse at that hairy witch)
Final 5 minutes are good though (“corner” shot is A+)


Haven’t seen it since it was new, but pretty much felt the same way. It was a pretty strong example of objective appreciation diverging from actual enjoyment. Definitely felt like they added a number of slow/mundane things to enhance the reality of what purported to be found footage at the expense of its watchability.

I do think the ending was pretty flawless though. I actually tend to think it’s better overall for not giving you what you wanted there.


Halloween III is just a stone-cold masterpiece. Looks great, the story takes so many completely unexpected turns while keeping the mood consistently unsettled. Great stuff.