Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Yup. Worse is Brody himself, who was still caught up in the euphoria of the moment instead of reflecting on what it’s like for someone to kiss you without your consent.

Barton Fink is as inscrutable today as it was when I tried watching it almost 20 years ago. I really want to like it more, particularly as a big John Turturro fan who is thrilled at him actually getting to lead a major film, but I do sincerely appreciate it even if I can’t point to any great enjoyment of it.

Unfortunately, mystery boxes like this are built primarily to frustrate me and leave me fumbling around for interpretations that may or may not be anywhere near what the Coens were going for. But I still might give this a round three someday.

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Andy kinda seems like a truly terrible human being

Surprisingly this is still sitting at 85+ for critics and audiences, so ill likely end up seeing it this week, probably on Tuesday

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Hopefully Anna Kendrick’s directorial debut (dropping directly to Netflix next month) is good. It’s an intriguing concept.


The movie remained unmoved in my Coen rankings from where I already had it.

Yes, I know I’m inviting blowback by having Raising Arizona so low. I’ve tried twice, man. Shrug.

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I have Intolerable Cruelty a bit higher.

Much love for A Serious Man.

Was Hail Caesar pretty good? I didn’t like the trailer so skipped it.

I dug it more than I expected to. Lots of laughs.

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I was incredibly disappointed.

Clearly they can do comedy. Did not get many laughs out of that one at all.


This is an email I sent from my friend a few years ago.

Around 15 years ago, I commented to you that I didn’t care for the movie Intolerable Cruelty . You told me it was really good and that I just didn’t get it.

I have long kept that recommendation in my head. I ran across it recently in the HBO Max library. I put it in my list, and yesterday, due to your recommendation from yesteryear along with the fact that it’s a Coen brothers movie, I rewatched it.

Conclusion: that movie sucks, and it shames the Coen catalog. I do not know what you were talking about.

So yeah, like Raising Arizona I tried twice with this one. There ain’t gonna be no rematch.


More for me. It’s so oddball, and it felt like there was a new twist every ten minutes. In a good way, I mean. It kept me on my toes.

Rewatched Vice (2018) in honor of cheney’s inexplicable endorsement of kamala harris, to try to get some insight into why. And my closest guess is he wants to support his daughter liz more than he cares about politics anymore.

Because based on the movie his whole career was about transforming the office of the president into that of an absolute monarch. Over the course of many decades he and the ghouls on his side took actions that led to the supreme court declaring potus is above the law. He is doctor frankenstein, or at least Igor. And now, idk if he has regrets or if he just wants a good relationship with his family

4 bags of popcorn almost entirely due to christian bale’s spectacular performance, the man is a master


Adam McKay’s “taking himself seriously as a human being” era is unfortunate. That said, Vice isn’t TOO painful. There is at least one significantly worse work in the “Adam McKay is very impressed with himself” catalog.


Plz don’t say it’s Don’t Look Up …

Of course. That movie is worse than the vomit that I would expect to see spew out of my mouth after I had just chugged a bottle of someone else’s vomit. Don’t even get me started.

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What do you dislike so much about it? Besides how sanctimonious McKay has been in interviews toward the audience.

My “don’t even get me started” shirt is causing a lot of questions already answered by the shirt.

I haven’t actually seen the interviews you’re referencing, wasn’t even aware of them, though I’m quite unsurprised to hear of them because him being incredibly sanctimonious is the entire text of the movie. The movie is 2.5 hours of Adam McKay going, “HEY DIDJA GET A LOAD OF THE DUMMIES THAT YOU PEOPLE WHO GET IT ARE SMARTER THAN?” If a more obnoxious work has been committed to film, I am blissfully unaware of it.


If I recall correctly, someone asked him if he meant the sanctimonious stuff with a touch of irony. He responded no, he meant to make fun of the people who don’t get it.

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