Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)


Hard disagree here. This is almost like when people call Austin Powers 2 better than the original, and we can all agree that those people should be summarily removed from society.


Oh, The Dark Knight is probably the answer.


I was a lot more scared of the villains in Superman II. Gene Hackman and Ned Beatty didnā€™t really inspire fear. Superman I feels like a rom-com.

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Same thing, Iā€™m not sure this counts just because Batman Begins was already a great movie.

Oh Iā€™ve got it. Star Trek II Wrath of Kahn.


Thatā€™s the other one I was thinking of!

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I had an irl ā€œWrath of Kahnā€ experience this week.


You pulled a giant scorpion out of your ear?


They quoted random Shakespeare at you?

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A virile, charismatic Mediterranean man took over your boat and held you prisoner?


Batman Begins is really strong, but TDK essentially made people forget about it. Surely there are people who drop back in to rewatch that whole trilogy, but I think that number is dwarfed by the number who just pinpoint-drop back in to only ever rewatch The Dark Knight.

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Hot take: I enjoy Batman Begins more. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s the better movie, because TDK is a masterpiece. But Iā€™ve watched TDK twice and it was a brutal experience both times.

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I had a branch penetrate my ear while mowing and some kind of fly flew in.

Pretty sure youā€™re the one that made me aware of that botfly nightmare some lady experienced irl which combined with my childhood memory of WOK,well, it was not a good time.

Got lucky to get it out with a q tip.


Before or after it laid eggs?


I felt this way at first too. Over time Iā€™ve come to feel differently. But I donā€™t think itā€™s that hot of a take personally. It is STRONGLY against consensus in terms of how the masses have processed the two though.

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Letā€™s put Thor Ragnarok on the list. Part one was fine, part two was bad, part three was amazing.

Does The Good The Bad and The Ugly count?


Ehhh. Itā€™s the best one, but it feels like a whole other thing, Thor had been elevated by the MCU and Ragnarok simply existed as a really good movie in an interconnected franchise. Guardians is the only trilogy in the MCU that feels like it was really its own thing that happened to do crossover stuff. Thor was an Avenger immediately.

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Whatā€™s it a sequel to?

Great recap. Furiosa also a banger. Not leaps ahead of Fury Road, but still at the same level.

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